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First party

By Gabe – May 9, 2012

Sometimes it’s nice to take a break from the normal nerd uniform of a T-Shirt and jeans. When you want or need to look a little nicer we’ve made First Party. These are well made pieces that can put a little class in your wardrobe while still representing your love of games.

Dig Dug Thing We're Doing At ShiftyLook

By Tycho – May 9, 2012

Do you know what that is? It's kind of cool: ShiftyLook is essentially a series of webcomics (and now a podcast) by a ton of people digging way, way into Namco Bandai's back catalog. They have a bunch up now, but they've got a wider Dig Dug series on the way they roped Scott and us into. Looking forward to it.


By Tycho – May 9, 2012

It's entirely true for me, and for Gabriel, and perhaps even for you; there's seven point six gigs worth of wholly inert Diablo 3 dormant on one of our fixed disks.

Child's Play Golf Tournament!

By Gabe – May 8, 2012

The 2012 Child's Play golf tournament is halfway sold out now. I've decided this is my year to really get back into the game. I haven't played seriously in about 15 years. I played high school golf as a young man but I got sick of the competition and gave up the game to focus on my art. I love the game though and in just the last couple of weeks I've probably been out four times. I'm not shooting like I was when I was 18 but I'm having a blast and I'm getting better each time I go out.


Mobile Frame Zero Rules Preview

By Tycho – May 7, 2012

I was super excited about Mobile Frame Zero, to the extent that I was sort of bummed when the Kickstarter succeeded because I loved going back for updates and seeing what people were building. I had a chance to recapture the old magic today when the rules preview popped up in my mailbox: you can grab them too, backer or no, and play games this week if you want to! It's conceptualized around Lego, but you can use whatever you want to. You aren't going to get in trouble, or anything; there's no international body that governs this.


By Gabe – May 7, 2012

I’m playing a lot of Tera right now. This is always when I regret playing a beta as I push through all the content I already saw. I’m playing a Sorcerer now though which is a change and that takes some of the sting out of doing all the same quests again. As of last night I finally hit the point that I got to in the beta (around level 18).

The Fullness Of Time

By Tycho – May 7, 2012

No, you can't actually name a star after a person. Well, you can, but nobody else will know about it and it doesn't matter. But what if you actually could, for reals?


By Gabe – May 4, 2012

Please come in and sit down. We need to talk about PAX Prime.



By Tycho – May 4, 2012

There is something we pay attention to here that you probably don't, but after I tell you, it's entirely possible that you'll play along: we like to the play "the preview game."

The Ultimatrix

By Tycho – May 2, 2012

After a long, long stretch of games which more or less attempted to duplicate World of Warcraft, games whose white ribs now reach up out of the sand or have taken on some twisted new form - there's a crop out there in various states of completion that is showing us some new things. Well, thing.

The Back, Back Catalogue

By Tycho – April 30, 2012

The rumor of some kind of Playstation all-stars battle royale has finally molted, becoming fact, in a new game called Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale. Maybe it's good, I don't know. It's certainly competent in its execution. Whenever it comes time to compare dicks, I mean Exclusives, Sony wins that kind of fight. So it's odd that this looks like some Go-Bots tier Johnny Come-Lately type shit.


By Tycho – April 27, 2012

I've played a lot of Trials already, like, a lot; mostly during a period where Gabriel did not use computers for games which were not Massive and/or Multiplayer, so he had no idea what he was getting into. For developer RedLynx, Trials is more genre than specific title: I own three games from them, make that four, and they are all very... trialsy.


The Rising Tide

By Tycho – April 25, 2012

We usually try to go somewhere after a PAX, and we do, but after the last PAX East retreat it became clear that Penny Arcade is made up of Young People on one side and Families on the other side, and young people are feral as a category. It wasn't a good match; with our new Separate Vacations technology, they can go to their rave parties and puff on cheeba while we can go about the business of creating a lasting culture. Gabriel had gone to something called a Great Wolf Lodge at one point, and did not die, which seemed to recommend it as a destination.

Vendetta Online Codes Mang

By Tycho – April 23, 2012

A decade ago, I linked to Guild Software's spaceship MMO Vendetta Online, which promised multiplatform play in addition to its stellar shenanigans. They're still going, and they're looking for new blood. To that end, they have me a huge bank of month-long trial codes to dispense. Simply approach the Code Dispenser Machine for yours.

He Are The Champion

By Tycho – April 23, 2012

Functionally speaking, the comic is about Hero Academy but we may expand the viewport to include the entirety of our whole entire relationship and these sweeping arcs are retained.