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Mario Marathon

By Tycho – June 24, 2011

They're cranking away over there for Child's Play, beavering for real, and I got to show them some love.  "Love" (in this case) being a euphemism for money.  I also feel real love for them, of course.  Incandescent love!  But that is more difficult to enumerate, and it doesn't buy anybody any toys. 

Pre-Order some stuff

By Gabe – June 24, 2011

We’ve got two items available for pre-order on our store right now and each one sports a a little bonus for purchasing early.

The Enervator

By Tycho – June 24, 2011

When something arrives at the office for Gabriel there is a sort of dance that accompanies it, a small one, a festival in miniature to which he is the sole attendee. I saw this ritual peel away yesterday, peel and flake, like old wallpaper.


Game with our Fame

By Gabe – June 23, 2011

Tycho and I will be the fame in tomorrow’s Game with Fame event on Xbox Live. We will be playing Magic The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalker 2012 Friday, June 24, from 1-2 PM PT (4-5 PM PT). If you would like to try and grab a game with us, send a friend request to Duels2Gabe or Duels2Tycho.


By Gabe – June 23, 2011

So I was actually able to get into the current friends and family beta for Star Wars: The Old Republic. It wasn’t too hard since technically I do have a friend over there. The tricky part is that Bioware, like a lot of places thinks of PA as “media” and they don’t want media playing it yet. I explained that we aren’t media, we prefer to think of ourselves as “enthusiasts”. They let me in but I had to pinkie swear that I wouldn’t talk about the game here on the site, or anywhere else for that matter. I’ve been playing it for a little over a month now and last week I asked if I could share some of my impressions with you all. It took some begging but finally they agreed and to their credit they didn’t ask to see what I was going to write first. Honestly they had no idea what I was going to say which must have been a little scary considering this is PA, but lucky for them I actually really like their game. So this isn’t a review or anything even close. What I’m playing is the beta and honestly changing all the time. I just wanted to share some of my impressions.


By Tycho – June 22, 2011

We grabbed the demo for Dungeon Siege III, because demo. Plus, we have the requisite neurotransmitters a game like this might stimulate. We long, for example, to wield the famed Barb of Yalf, and games where such barbs may be obtained are of interest. Also, co-op, and any game whose quality is at least partially determined by the friends I’ve made stands to gain several points.

Doot Dee Doo

By Tycho – June 21, 2011

People are constantly trying to figure out what kind of “hat” LulzSec is wearing, specifically the color of this hat, which is a waste of time. For one thing, LulzSec has no head. For another thing, thinking of it as a group or an individual with agency is a fool’s errand. It’s a natural “force,” like erosion. And I don’t want any Goddamn part of it. Plus, now they’re going to lap gently at the base of our government institutions until such time as our democracies are reduced to a granular, wholly uniform beach.  It's the sort of thing that makes one stockpile seeds.


This Week's Villain

By Tycho – June 17, 2011

We spent some time in Child of Eden’s incredible fourth archive yesterday morning, Passion, and I don’t know if it’s a spoiler to say that you play the part of time in an interactive opera based on human technological achievement. If that happens in any other game, ever, I must have missed it. What we’ve got here is a shooter in reverse, one where you make every entity more beautiful with each shot. The raw clusters of instinct you encounter aren’t just corrupt: they’re so broken that they don’t want to be fixed, and they’ll kill you for trying.


Book 7

By Gabe – June 15, 2011


By Tycho – June 15, 2011

American McGee’s back, and Alice along with him; it seemed like an incredible opportunity to relive the days of yore.


By Tycho – June 14, 2011

Not really.

PAX Dev, PAX Prime Panel Submissions

By Tycho – June 13, 2011

The cutoff date for panel submissions to either convention is the fifteenth of this month.  PAX Dev submissions go here, and PAX Prime submissions go here.  Plus, Early Bird registration for PAX Dev ends June 30th.