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The Hippothalamus

By Tycho – June 13, 2011

Also a true story. Well, a true story about an imaginary thing perhaps. The hippo was small, lying on its side, and its long tongue wrapped around it in an apparently infinite sequence of concentric rings. The exertion it took to maintain this creature was immense, and very near the limits of my ability; if not for the richness and amiability of his company, I might have consigned him to oblivion.

Third Rate

By Tycho – June 8, 2011

Seeing first-run movies - without slurping them from the Web as a succession of isolated datoids - is something that doesn’t really happens.


Rein It In, Maybe

By Tycho – June 6, 2011

Seizing on the incredible density of industry folk just before E3, Jamie constructed the First Annual Child’s Play Invitational Golf Tournament. Our policy is essentially to look real hard at the kind of thing an actual charity would do, and then do that, in the same way that wearing daddy's coat makes one indistinguishable from a grown-up.

The New Kid!

By Gabe – June 3, 2011

If you follow my twitter than you already know the exciting news. If not, then get your ass ready for some exciting news!

Now With More Death

By Tycho – June 3, 2011

We were tremendous fans of the original Darksiders, and wanted a sequel very much, with the knowledge that we would never get one more or less an assumption. Absorption rates for its gleeful pop-apocalyptic gumbo varied substantially - it had a strange voice and a grab bag of “greatest hits” type features that were either, again, gleeful or evidence of some worrisome deficit.


New Shirt!

By Gabe – June 2, 2011

We have a new T-shirt available in the store. The new design has Gabe making what I like to call his “hipster-douchebag” face. In the comic he was talking about free-range pokemon but we’ve given you some blank spaces to flaunt your own indie cred.


By Gabe – June 1, 2011

Tycho and I have been playing through L.A. Noire here at the office. Initially we were both blown away by the technology and the story. After wrapping up the homicide desk and moving up to Vice I was getting a bit bored. I began to look at the game much like a real detective might look at a desk full of open cases and imagine the hours he will need to spend interviewing lying assholes. I have to say this Rockstar game kept me playing much longer than any other but eventually I got tired and gave up, just like I did with all their previous titles. It feels like I am given an incredible open world and then asked to do the same thing over and over again. Oh well, I still consider it a great game and I feel like it was worth my time and money.

Sorry About The Links

By Tycho – June 1, 2011

We've got a new backend on the way, and our current backend is jealous.  It inserts backslashes in places that backslashes aren't required.


By Tycho – June 1, 2011

Gamestop is prepared to honor your prehistoric Duke Nukem receipts, printed (as was common at that time) upon strips of chewed papyrus. Assuming these documents have not disintegrated entirely or been shredded along with other incriminating evidence, there may still be substantial dangers involved in their recovery.


Inquiring Minds

By Tycho – May 30, 2011

If I actually had stopped the car, no doubt this scenario would have come to pass. Occasionally, I make good decisions! Good might be a stretch. Latley, I’ve been making a concerted effort to go for “somewhat less bad.”

A bunch of stuff

By Gabe – May 27, 2011

Our print on demand service has been busted for a couple of months now. The fix for this is coming but it is being worked into a whole new back end for our site as well as a fancy new design. So it could be a little while before you can order prints of specific comics.

Page 234, Table 29-A

By Tycho – May 27, 2011

Sometimes, I’m proud to say it: “This strip is a transcript of an actual conversation!” has a kind of eureka element, a found culture vibe that makes it easily to feel as though I am living my life submerged in undiscovered art. This comic is also a transcript of a real conversation, however, which is substantially less ennobling.