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Part The Rusted Chains

By Tycho – May 4, 2011

Gabriel has a hunger for DeviantArt, and maybe even deviant art, or at any rate an appetite for the art of deviants; I have been made to absorb more than one cache of unique offerings on his assertion that I have to “come and look at this,” because it’s “so weird,” but when I go over there a pool of cooling saliva has already gathered on the surface of his Wacom, and it is connected to his mouth by a hair-thin column of glistening spit.

The Value Proposition

By Tycho – May 2, 2011

Having committed themselves to in absolute terms to the replication of Blizzard’s back catalogue, it’s no wonder that Gameloft found their way to World of Warcraft eventually. The shocking part is that it actually kind of works.

Solve It (Etc.)

By Tycho – April 29, 2011

I saw a review of an XBLIG called Solve It over at Joystiq, a game with a tile-laying mechanic where the tiles represent a kind of "program."  It's probably better if you just play it, or examine this Kongregate experience entitled light-Bot, but if these kinds of things turn your crank you should get your mitts on a copy of RoboRally.  The other two are perfectly good puzzle games, but when you've had that experience in a competitive context they feel lonely by comparison.  


Even Newer Penny Arcade Television!

By Tycho – April 29, 2011

I always see things a couple weeks in advance, so I never know where the series is at on the live servers - but here is an actually new episode, entitled "The Retreat."


The Song Of Something Something

By Tycho – April 27, 2011

People have different thresholds regarding spoilification, something we deal with in many comics, today’s included - but the way these break down for the true Game of Thrones enthusiast is apparently quite nuanced.


The Mantle

By Tycho – April 22, 2011

If you played Bulletstorm, specifically on the 360, you have probably checked out Gears of War already. I'm fairly critical of Gears precisely because I do love it, and want it to be better, so that people will see what I do. Ultimately, this will have the side effect of making me feel less crazy.  It's a long-term play.  

Child's Play Golf Tournament!

By Gabe – April 20, 2011

So it’s no secret that I am a huge golf nerd. When I was a kid I played Washington Junior golf and then ended up on the golf team in high school. Growing up, golf and art were the two things I did. I remember getting dropped off at the local golf course at six in the morning so I could play a round before school .Then on the way home, the bus would actually drop me off at the same course and I’d just keep playing until my mom came to pick me up around dinner time. Eventually it got to the point were I wanted to start putting more time into my art and less into golf. Pretty soon golf fell off to the side and I was only playing a couple times a year. I still LOVE the game though and every year I tell myself “this year I’m gonna play more!” but so far that has not happened.