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Worst Class

I think it's entirely possible to have a conversation about the efficacy of a mask outside, or in your own car. Happy to discuss it. But if you are very sick, if fluids are just… erupting out of you, in an endless torrent, and you're on an enclosed cylinder this isn't a COVID paranoia thing. We aren't even talking about COVID. I don't know what the fuck you brought in here. This is a you being an asshole thing.


I’ve been watching Gen V and I think it’s a great show but my God the people actually delivering on some of these visuals need to be getting hazard pay. 



The Ballad Of Graham Turisma

We did a strip about the Gran Turismo movie. Oh! And I just figured it out! Australia is ahead of time as I live it in Seattle! It's in the future. Which means that Australians don't have the same schedule at all - for them, Penny Arcade updates on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday! Ha! A ha ha ha!!!! I think I made this realization at some point in the past, but I either forgot - the least likely scenario - or a previous version of myself was destroyed for even knowing it. Which means, among other things, that we rest, now, at a very dangerous precipice.


Treasured Moments To Share

Okay! Sleep didn't work out so well. Brain workin' hard, thinking about PAX Aus. Ryan sent me a few pictures of the food he ate, and they were quite welcome, because Melbourne must be one of the best cities to eat things in the entire world. To prove this, I went to an online site - a "web page" - listing twelve or so of the best restaurants in town, and even after going to said town once a year every year for ten years, I'd never heard of any of them. But I could make my own list of twelve that I'd put up against anywhere I've ever gone. Roster's deep out there.

Rainy Day Recess

Presumably as the result of a powerful spell, the sky overhead Seattle has been set to Deluge for a week or so. I was in the studio yesterday and it was literally a roar inside the building. You walk to your car, a couple hundred feet, and it's like you stepped out of a swimming pool.

Twin Snakes

It sounds like he had a rough time of it, but now he's home playing Phantom Liberty and I think he's vomited the last of the leathery serpent eggs, he says "come up easy." My play would have been to avoid the entire causal chain. I guess if you do have to throw up a snake egg, its young charge squirming with new life, it's nice to hear the process is user friendly.


Christmas In Septmeber!

By Gabe – September 26, 2023

I celebrated another birthday yesterday that secured my 46th year on this earth. I spent the day playing games! Here’s a quick breakdown of what I’m currently putting my gaming hours into:



Le Petit Mortgage

Over the course of the writing process, which wasn't particularly long to begin with, he got about six different calls to see if he was interested in a mortgage. He was not! But when I saw what he was doing to make this scenario tolerable, this Plethora Of Suitors, it sorta seemed like that was probably the strip.

Mick Jagras

There has to be some point where Niantic stops calling all the shit in your neighborhood some different thing, but today is not that day.  I'm fucking these monsters up and walking around and shit.  I'm gettin' their beaks and making hats or whatever.  I didn't go that hard on Pokemon GO, which is still kicking ass apparently, but I'm much more likely to skin and turn monsters into craft projects than I was to do the other thing.  



So, it's probably worth clarifying some things. When we say that we don't understand why Unity is doing the things they're doing, it's not that we don't literally understand. We aren't confused about the reason: it's money and control. That's not the confusing part. Here's where the confusion actually roosts: in seeking those things, they've undertaken a course of action that stands to lose them quite a lot of both, and the outcome is completely obvious. This is the kind of genius maneuvre you and I simply can't comprehend.


I think most people are familiar with what has been referred to broadly as "that fucking Unity shit," but just in case, Unity - a ubiquitous development platform among independent creators - announced that they'll be charging a twenty-cent fee in the most likely scenario for that cadre of developers. Dark rituals were begun at this time. Viral tweets and personal stories began to braid in lashing, whip-like beams. Then they answered some frequently asked questions and I don't know about anybody else but they managed to make it worse…?


I wouldn't say I'm bullish on gaming from the cloud yet, but I've had the kind of experiences with it where I have seen the thesis made manifest. For me, it's largely genre dependent - but If I squint I can absolutely see the proposition as a real thing that meaningfully happens for a lot of people in the real world.