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Child's Play Episode Of PA: The Series

By Tycho – January 8, 2010

It's only the first part, there are two total, but here you go.  We don't spend a lot of time cataloging how incredible Child's Play actually is - as I've said before, we take Santa Claus as the model.  Appear, improve lives, and retreat.  These episodes are a chance to celebrate it, though.  We hope you enjoy it.  

A New Kind Of Truth

By Tycho – January 8, 2010

The Wii was either "innovative" or "gimmicky," depending on your perspective, an evergreen topic that still springs up now and again. There is a similar cleave between things that are Homage and things that are Derivative, though this one can get complicated quick. In such scenarios, it's nice to have a quick rule of thumb to sunder any lingering ambiguities.

Bayonetta Contest

By Tycho – January 7, 2010

I used to love looking in game magazines for those photos people used to send in, pictures of the screen itself or the player in front of the screen, showing off a newly minted high score in the way our primitive forebears might have displayed some horned carcass. Of course, such images may be altered now: it is a grotesque fact of the modern world that we literally cannot believe our eyes. We can retain the elegance and beauty of the old ritual, though, by verifying the truth of it via Achievements and Trophies.

DnD Sandbox

By Gabe – January 6, 2010

The overarching story-line of my D&D game involves my players traveling the world thwarting the machinations of Tiamat's many heads. I treat each head as a sort of self contained "season" with a beginning,middle and end. I also try and make each season different in terms of game play and storytelling.


Best Punchlines Of 2009

By Tycho – January 4, 2010

Last week, when every blog took the opportunity to regurgitate a rancid, reeking mess of the year's "best" every Goddamned day, I wondered why we weren't partaking in this ritual. Those articles were barely worth reading the first time, and now they're shambling back, blind and grasping, like some headless groundskeeper?  That seems like a strong play, and preferable to actual work.  So, here they are: the most incisive, most poignant assertions made by the site in two-thousand and nine.  If you don't remember them, maybe you were drunk.  As you so often are.

The 4th Panel

By Gabe – January 2, 2010

The very first episode of our 4th Panel show went up today on PATV. This show is focused on Tycho and I writing the strip. It's much more like our Podcasts, only trimmed down quite a bit. I've already heard from lots of people asking about all the footage that gets cut from a show like this, the sort of stuff that would have been in the podcast. We have a lot of that, and I think the plan is to pack all that stuff onto the DVD when it comes out.


The Bright Side

By Tycho – January 1, 2010

Holidays where people exchange thoughtful objects (or those which sport a pronounced turkey component) get a pass, but "enforced revelry" as a general concept is one I abhor. I have an especial loathing for chronofetishism. My prediction for 2010 is that we'll spend the entire Goddamn thing spitting blood and teeth into the sink. Happy New Year.


By Gabe – December 30, 2009

This is just a friendly reminder that the last day to get the early bird deal for PAX East pre-registration is December 31st (Tomorrow).


By Tycho – December 30, 2009

This is the kind of conversation we have after we've been separated for a week. The throughput gets redlined with a thorough, almost reptilian, probably repulsive masculinity. It's barely coherent, as data; it's more like an extended club mix of caged animal impulses. So, um... enjoy(?).


Dickerdoodle Winners!

By Gabe – December 28, 2009

This year's Dickerdoodle contest was awesome. You guys are a sick bunch of fuckers. Choosing a top three was no easy task but I've finally done it.

How The Illithid Stole Lolthmas, Part Four

By Tycho – December 28, 2009

Was the Illithid ultimately able to steal Lolthmas? Can Lolthmas truly be stolen? The final page may contain these answers. We will try, I repeat try, to wait a year before doing that again. I italicized that second "try" to emphasize the difficulty therein.

How The Illithid Stole Lolthmas, Part Three

By Tycho – December 25, 2009

I hope that you are having an unambiguously merry Christmas. Or a hopi Schneikel, or a gurd Nachtouph, or whatever they have where you are. I hope that whatever phenomenon best epitomizes your native winterfest is in plentiful supply.

PAX East!

By Gabe – December 23, 2009

We assumed that the first year of PAX East would be a slightly smaller event than PAX West. This is a new show in a new venue and we just figured it would take a few years for people to really warm up to it. Imagine our surprise when looking at pre-registration numbers, it became clear that PAX East would be as big if not bigger than our Seattle show. I can't believe I'm saying this about the first year of PAX East, but if pre-registration keeps going like this we will probably have to cap attendance just like we did this year in Seattle.