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Last night was rad

By Gabe – December 10, 2008

The auction last night was a huge success. We ended up raising just over $200k. Not too shabby for one night. I'm happy to say I did end up taking home the Warcraft statue, although I did end up spending slightly more than eleven dollars


By Tycho – December 10, 2008

One of the weirder things about acting as a charitable hub is that people are always giving you amazingly awesome things that you can't keep. I put up a few shots late last week, and I'm here to tell you that they represent only a thin slice, thin, perhaps even monomolecular.  Treasure is heaped so high here that navigating it has become treacherous. When I want to get to the kitchen, I tell people where I'm going so that a rescue might be forthcoming.


God Dammit

By Tycho – December 6, 2008



By Gabe – December 5, 2008

Don't forget to send me your Dickerdoodle pictures. I'll pick a winner on Monday, so the contest won't be going much longer. I've already received some pretty creative entries, I can tell it's gonna be hard to pick a winner. I'm not sure what the prize will be yet but I'm sure it will be exciting. Um....erection.

Auction Dinner

By Tycho – December 5, 2008

Here are just a few of the auction items being made available at the Dinner:

We Are Gathered Here Today

By Tycho – December 5, 2008

The core idea of Prince of Persia is that you will traverse various obstacles in each region, leaping and so forth, until you reach and (subsequently cleanse) that area's "fertile ground." It's a term with incredible euphemistic opportunities, but since it's a phrase that denotes game function, the characters have to say it all the time. They also pronounce it fur-tile, instead of ferdl, which is customary where I live - and I think it's an alien pronunciation for the voice actors too, because every time it comes out of their mouths it is vaguely halting, like they're chewing a mouse. In any case, resist the urge to formulate a Fertile Ground drinking game (Exhibit A).


In Days Of Yore

By Tycho – December 3, 2008

In my previous life, before I was a professional .jpeg handler, I helped people with their computers. Maybe I should have put the word helped in parenthesis.


It's Really More Of An Investment

By Tycho – December 1, 2008

I have a Lancer, yes. I pretended to saw Gabriel in half with it, which seemed like an act harmonious with the intent of the device - a behavior enshrined in the operating manual. Even though it's a toy, apparently it hurts really bad. The chainsaw doesn't actually run, true, but it is still a series of sharp hooks that you shouldn't rub vigorously against a person's collarbone.

Desert Bus

By Gabe – November 29, 2008

I stayed home today to spend the day with the fam, but I wanted to pop in here real quick and mention the Desert Bus 2: Bus Harder. Watching these kids torture themselves by playing Desert Bus for charity is a real treat. Hit the site now and keep their torment going by making a donation. 

Twisted Cultural Wreckage

By Tycho – November 28, 2008

Even as a Rock Band stalwart, ultimately I had to accept that Guitar Hero: World Tour was often an agent of progress. With a reinvigorated affection for the brand still coursing through my ample frame, I thought I'd give the portable version a try. I'm what you might call a Nintendo DS fetishist; I'm a fan of music games in general, but I'll take almost any opportunity to spend time with the system.