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The Protip

By Tycho – September 21, 2007

Still playing as the doctor in TF2, which is to say that I'm still healing whenever the situation doesn't call for a burst from my fully automatic syringe gun. It's my job to bump that Heavy Weapons Guy from merely unstoppable up to "demonic," or make that Pyro invincible long enough to turn the enclosed space your team is defending into a hellish kiln. And, should my protege go down, I can usually pop back to base in time to find some other blunt instrument. The class is bad news, even minus the chaingun. I can't bring myself to play as anything else.

In The Love Nest of Har'akki

By Tycho – September 19, 2007

The news that Mass Effect would feature an uncompromising, high-res simulation of alien lesbian sex was sweet, and hot, like spun sugar. For Gabriel, at any rate. Some of the community reaction is dedicated to demanding gay parity for the male persuasion of this sexual equation, lengthy treatises by oiled men who crave starborne sodomy. The rest of the dialogue is just boring. Boring, terrestrial, and (quite frankly) myopic.

Mass Effect Character Creation And Intro

By Tycho – September 17, 2007

You might want to see this, or you might not: I know that Gabriel has sworn off all exposure to the game, which may also be your policy. Even so, this is the first time they've shown the distaff side of the character creator, so maybe you'll rescind your earlier mandate. A video with a similar theme popped up over at 1up as well, and it does things a little differently: I don't like its look at the character creator as well, but the cut they have of the intro is far superior. If you watched the other one, you're in for a penny, in for a pound: you should check it out.

That Ravenous Fire

By Tycho – September 17, 2007

Having played collectible card games since the original printing of Magic - taking my dishwasher's tips across the street to Dragon Tails to secure boosters for the coveted Arabian Nights - seeing Gabriel take up the pastime has warmed (but not thawed) my black heart. It's always a portion of myself I've bridled in his presence, kept hidden, suppressed may be the word. To have him take it up so freely makes me wonder which perversion of mine he'll take up next.



By Gabe – September 14, 2007

Many of you are probably already familiar with Gamer Dad. He's become
a fixture at PAX and we've linked to him on a number of occasions. If
you don't know about him you should check out his blog. He's out there
fighting the jack Thompsons of the world and trying to prove that
being a gamer doesn't mean you're a psychopath. He has also been
tirelessly preaching the importance of gaming with your children.
basically he's one of the good guys and right now he needs some help.

PSP 2000

By Gabe – September 14, 2007

I'm home sick today thanks to Tychoid Mary (Typhoid Jerry?) which
sucks because I feel like shit but is also awesome because I have a
chance to play a bunch of Jeanne D' Arc.

I picked up the PSP slim last week and I'd say overall it's an
improvement. The thing that really stands out about it is just how
light it is. My guess is Sony was pretty pissed they couldn't call it
the PSP Light, because honestly that's what it is. Other than the
dramatic weight loss it sports a much nicer directional pad and and
the ability to push video out to a TV. It lost the spring loaded disk
tray which is a shame. The new UMD drive feels cheap and seems like
it's just waiting to break. The video out capabilities are nice but
you don't have the option to run the game full screen. You actually
don't have any options at all unlike the old GBA player for the Cube.
It looks good enough but the real bummer is that you are forced to use
the PSP as your controller.

Am I the only one who remembers how awesome the Nomad was? Essentially
is was a portable Genesis. You plugged regular Genesis carts into it
and you could play them on what at the time was a very nice little
screen. It also had video out so it functioned as a regular console as
well. The best part was that it had a regular controller port in the
bottom so it really was just like having a console you could pick up
and take with you. I'm really curious how hard it would have been to
let people sync a PS3 controller up to the PSP. See I actually
upgraded to the slim because of the video out. the remake of Final
Fantasy Tactics
drops next month and I never actually played the
original. I got into the series on the GBA and actually played it on
my Gamecube via the GBA player. Sitting back on my couch with my
wavebird I must have logged well over a hundred hours in that game. I
had fantasies of a similar experience with FF Tactics: The War of the

The bad news is that the PSP video cables won't reach to my couch. I
imagine this will be that case for most people with large televisions.
I guess I could get extensions but that's hardly ideal and I'd still
be using the PSP as my controller. The good news however is that the
new PSP is much easier on the hands. I've been playing a ton of Jeanne
D' Arc today and I have not experienced any "PSP Claw" as I used to
call it. Seeing as FF Tactics and Disgaea are both coming out next
month a new more comfortable PSP is exactly what the doctor ordered.

-Gabe out

Alien Genocide Is Thirsty Work

By Tycho – September 14, 2007

I purchased twenty fluid ounces of Halo 3 "Limited Edition Mountain Dew Game Fuel" in the hopes that it would taste so horrible that we'd get a strip out of it.  Before I read the ingredients in preparation for this post, I often found myself desirous of this strange liquid - a liquid the precise color of tubercular sputum. I would trip over to Seven Eleven to obtain it, tipping a small portion onto the concrete for the Spartans we lost at Reach. Once I discovered that the soda contained a compound called "Brominated Vegetable Oil," my ardor was diminished for some reason. The flavor of the beverage is not unpleasant, especially if you like bromide. The almost oppressive campaign that surrounds the product is, perhaps, more bitter.

At Least It's Over Soon

By Tycho – September 12, 2007

Heavenly Sword is, as you will soon discover, the very definition of a rental title. Clocking in at somewhere between five and six hours (depending on your appetite for overwrought cinemas) it's a decent game saddled by impossible expectations. It has silly ideas and grandeur in close proximity to one another.


two more things

By Gabe – September 10, 2007

I've gotten some mail about the Sony Defense Force site we mentioned in the strip today. Most people seem to want to know if it's a joke or not. I am of the opinion that it is. I'm not sure about Tycho but I think it's 100% fake. Stuff like the Lair review and their spin on the video of Halo 3 running on a PS3 demo station just can't be real. I think the guy running the site and making the articles is a genius. He's pulling in all kinds of traffic with an incredible parody and best of all, he even has people in his forums who think the whole thing is real. My guess is, in a couple weeks or maybe a month he'll drop the charade and reveal the whole thing was a gag. Maybe he can keep it going longer than that but I doubt it. I hope he can though because honestly it's fucking hilarious.

An Embarrassment Of Kittens

By Tycho – September 10, 2007

Going deeper into the Console War than ever before we discovered hidden camps, and were inexorably drawn to their strange rhythms and makeshift jungle podiums hot with rhetoric. It grieves me to announce that we may have lost Gabriel to their potent lure.

Lair Video Review

By Tycho – September 7, 2007

To fully communicate Lair, you really to need a video component - and the review over at Gametrailers really sets things straight. The abrupt storytelling, technical stumbles, and strange behavior are all much better delivered by the game itself than by my hyperbole.


The Dawn of A Glorious New Age

By Tycho – September 7, 2007

Sony hasn't been entirely clear regarding what their 1.92 update for the Playstation 3 actually does, suggesting that it "focuses on some PS3 compatibility and playability issues for select titles," but our own experience with the update has been conclusive. In the Internet's dark places, aggrieved Lair fans are suggesting that this update improves the game's motion controls, and that each media outlet must rescind their previous scores. I'm fairly certain this is magical thinking - neither Sony or Factor 5 will say with any specificity, and now that both our PS3s are updated it would be impossible to test.

Downloadable Content

By Tycho – September 5, 2007

Welcome to the show notes for Downloadable Content 09/05/2007, "Getting Down." The episode is available for direct download at this link, or feel free to subscribe to our iTunes compatible feed here. There is no guide for this one, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the mountains of madness.

Music That I Like

By Tycho – September 5, 2007

One of the questions during a a panel at PAX had to do with the italicised line at the end of each day's post. They're almost always song lyrics, and back before we were paying for bandwidth (and before RIAA rape gangs were prowling the web) these lines used to link directly to the MP3. I maintained the practice afterward because it's sort of like a song of the day, and I like the idea that someone might be struck by a strange turn of phrase and seek out a piece of music. It also serves as a gauge of my mental state at the moment. Today's song, for example, is Stan Rodgers' incredible live version of the sea shanty "Rolling Down To Old Maui," which Pandora kicked out after about a week of tuning the station. I've listened to it about thirty times today.

PAX 2007

By Gabe – September 5, 2007