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Armadeaddon: Grim Exodus

By Tycho – August 25, 2006

I could have taken more rigorous steps to prevent it, but circumstances have conspired to leave me in a hotel room the night before PAX, a heavy black mug of hotel cat piss coffee cooling on the nightstand while I thumb my post into the server from my mobile phone. I love to depict times like these in apocalyptic terminology, but the truth is that I love almost everything about them. I know it's ridiculous to find fault with my lot - it's boorish in a way, like complaining about the weight of your scepter. I hope it's understood that these posts are largely a pageant I hold for your benefit! I'm not actually of the opinion that staying in a hotel room on the eve of my convention constitutes "hard living."

Holy Shit, Basically

By Tycho – August 23, 2006

I just read through one of the conduits of Leipzig gaming news, and was jolted by a piece of news: Xbox Live is going to be moving into classic board games.  I don't mean, like, Chutes and Ladders or some shit - though I don't doubt that GrowPot420 would snap that up on day one.  No, I mean like Settlers of Catan and Carcassone.  Pillars of the tabletop gaming community, so to speak.

This is probably the biggest news of that convention for me.  Getting people together to play these games, or finding people to play them with at all can be a trying endeavor.  This is near Goddamn optimal.


Look away!

By Gabe – August 23, 2006 has posted a video interview they did with us at our office a couple weeks ago. Honestly not much real information gets conveyed. The past couple months have just been nuts for us and with PAX coming up we’re just sort of loopy. You’re welcome to watch it but please don’t expect to get anything useful out of it. Also, if you are one of the few people left who has never seen us in our true forms I’d recommend staying away from this clip. Like a child who still believes in the Easter Bunny I want you to go on thinking we look just like the cartoons for as long as you can. No one wants to find out that the Easter Bunny is actually a couple of retarded looking dorks.

check disk

By Gabe – August 23, 2006

Ask and ye shall receive!


Armadeaddon: Ominous Moniker

By Tycho – August 23, 2006

Just like the blistered, hungry dead, Armadeaddon itself lumbers - toward its inevitable conclusion. There are two more installments, or perhaps I should say there is one more installment and then an epilogue. Because that is the caliber of site we operate: a site with epilogues and denouements and perhaps even the occasional finale.

Just a heads up

By Gabe – August 21, 2006

If you pre-registered for PAX and you have not received your pass yet, please send a mail to

Armadeaddon: Bitter Cup

By Tycho – August 21, 2006

You can download homebrewed ROMs for the Fruit Fucker that enhance the efficiency of the feed reamer or allow you to juice via SMS. I'd read on tweaking boards that the machine had an array of sensors that had no apparent juicing purpose. Of course, "hackzors" up to their spectacles in system-level code are probably the last people to read the manual.

PAX Panel Questions

By Tycho – August 18, 2006

If you'd like to submit some questions for the PAX panels next week, we won't stop you.  Indeed, we might actively encourage such a thing.



Armadeaddon: Sundered Union

By Tycho – August 16, 2006

We have done things in the past which were not "for" you, or anybody else for that matter. That isn't what's goin' on now. What's going on now is we are shoveling dense chunks of fanservice into the site's iron belly, and increased fervor in that chamber makes each comic bend and groan to please you.


Armadeaddon: Blade Princess

By Tycho – August 14, 2006

You may be wondering what happened to the lever that regulates the amount of fan-service that flows into a given strip. This lever has been tugged free of the housing. You can only pull it in the open air now, and it does nothing to staunch the flow. Before this thing is over, you motherfuckers will need scuba gear.

Things That Are On The Web

By Tycho – August 11, 2006

The recently conducted Xfire chat has now been collated into this easy to digest transcript.  In case you wanted to digest it. 

In addition, the latest page of our insane Prey project has now gone online.  Just click the link on the left, for "We Have Visitors." 

Also!   Your mom is trying to get a hold of you.  You should give her a call.



By Gabe – August 11, 2006

PAX is not the new E3. E3 failed. If someone else wants to be the new E3 they are welcome to it. They can even set up shop in the carcass of the giant and claim his power, but E3 is dead and it died for a reason. If I were them I wouldn't be in such a hurry to stuff myself in that coffin, and I certainly wouldn't boast about it.


By Gabe – August 11, 2006

I hate to do it but let’s talk about Jack Thompson for just a moment. He’s been relatively quite since our last encounter but with Bully on the horizon he’s popped up again. His recent appearance on G4 has everyone talking about him and that is exactly how Jack wants it. The man is a media whore and by putting him on television you’re just giving him what he wants. Not only that but G4 decided to put him on television with two people who are incapable of going toe to toe with him. Whatever you want to say about Jack, the guy is a lawyer and he knows how to handle himself in these sorts of debates. We all think Jack is nuts but Adam is the only person on that tape who comes off as being crazy. The guy can’t even preach to the choir for God’s sake. Mark seems like a decent guy and he stays calm but I don’t think he did any preparation for this. You can’t go up against someone like Jack and just “wing it”. Jack keeps is cool and essentially runs the show. G4 should have just given Jack his own half hour program. Maybe only schedule twelve re-runs of X-Play and then just slip in the Jack Thompson show.