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Podcast Show Notes

By Tycho – April 19, 2006

A new episode of Downloadable Content - The Penny Arcade Podcast has been made available. As always, you can subscribe to our iTunes compatible feed here.


By Gabe – April 19, 2006

About a dozen people have pointed me towards this article or one similar to it. Apparently Apple is underclocking the X1600 in the MacBook Pro in order to reduce noise and extend battery life. I’ve been told you can return it to it’s factory settings with some tools but I have not tried yet. Interesting stuff.


By Gabe – April 19, 2006

So I installed Boot Camp on my MacBook yesterday. I had read a few articles saying that people playing games under Windows on the new Intel Macs saw a “20% performance increase”. That number doesn’t mean anything to me so I figured I should test it out myself.

Treachery In 1080i

By Tycho – April 19, 2006

I discuss ennui relating to the coming media apocalypse in the imminent podcast, but I am only one of two people who operate this website and we are not always of one mind. Even if a person were interested in high-definition content to drive their robust new display, internecine warfare poised to fragment the industry, ravage your technology investment, and punish early adopters isn't exactly an aphrodisiac.


Come Join PA on Dark Iron

By Gabe – April 17, 2006

Many of you asked about it so I’ll go ahead and mention it here. Downloadable Content, The Penny Arcade Podcast is now available on iTunes. You can hit their podcast section for a complete archive of the shows we’ve done so far. We’ll still be posting the raw MP3’s here every week and we’re working on archiving them along with the comics and the posts. 

As Spring Dawns

By Tycho – April 17, 2006

Since Sakuracon, we've had a powerful urge to revisit the Cardboard Tube Samurai. Like Twisp and Catsby, we have tried to keep adventures in his faux-feudal context restricted to more or less annual affairs because we are polite. We do not assume that rodent liberation, psychic birds, or even comparatively mainstream wordless meditations are topics of general interest. This said, we have done our best to entertain you these seven and a half years, and your indulgence during these periods of personal weakness are most appreciated.


new mage talent

By Gabe – April 14, 2006

I feel okay mentioning WOW today since it sort of relates to the comic. Most of you know by now that I play a mage on Darkiron and that means my class is next in line for a talent review. I’m pretty excited about this, watching them rework the various classes has been awesome and they seem to be getting better at it as they go. I’m looking forward to seeing what they have in store for the mages.

The Sound Of Trumpets

By Tycho – April 14, 2006

Holy shit.

Yeah, so...  It's not just Heroes of Might and Magic V - Ubisoft has made it official.  They're moving away from the Starforce product altogether.  There is an orchestra in my heart.



Podcast Feed

By Tycho – April 12, 2006

You can find such a feed here, if you are so inclined:

Doctor Feelgood

By Tycho – April 12, 2006

Are there no depravations to which you gamers will not descend?  No sin you will not contemplate?  Is there no injury, sir, is there no damage you will not scratch into the edifice of decency and right living?   

I Hope You Like Text

By Tycho – April 10, 2006

On forums of wanton reputation, I sometimes hear that Games Workshop - Games Workshop - has stolen this or that from Blizzard, and that odious charge will only grow in volume and intensity as screens and news of Warhammer Online achieve wider circulation. There is no small amount of danger involved in presenting this notion: as proof, I offer Exhibit A.