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New print!

By Gabe – August 1, 2005

Our new Gabe and Tycho laser cell is now available. It’s priced at what I believe is a very reasonable $25.00 and you can get it from our online store. This particular print is not a limited edition. We thought it was important to make a run of prints like this so that everyone who wanted to own a PA laser cell could. It’s the same quality as the larger limited edition prints and even comes matted ready for framing.

PAX Cover

By Tycho – July 29, 2005

Gabe just finished the cover for this year's PAX guide, and I thought it looked cool:

h.264 Wideo

By Tycho – July 29, 2005

I keep trying to find the truth of the matter regarding the "enhanced" video capabilities of the 2.0 PSP firmware, and I'm not sure the fullness of it actually grokked by English speakers at this time.



By Tycho – July 29, 2005

(To maintain the prior analogy, "alts" can be considered children. Of course, if you're on an RP server, that's probably true both ways. Nerd.)

World Of Warcraft

By Gabe – July 29, 2005

Like Tycho said the game really does change as you progress. Since we hit level 60 Kara and I have started no less than five alts and are playing back through the game with new characters and having a blast. The problem we ran into at 60 is that our adventures became more like a trip through some sort of fantasy casino. At 60 we’re no longer gaining XP so what that means is that now we’re after loot. Like pretty much every other Rogue I’m hungry for the Shadowcraft armor and Kara like any good Druid is hunting down her Wildheart set. So every other night we jump into a ten man raid group and we run through one of the three instances that hold these rare treasures. Like a trip to Vegas this involves a lot of finger crossing and dice rolling. Every time no matter what group we fall in with it’s exactly the same. The most effective paths through each of these dungeons has been plotted out long ago and like a ride a Disney Land we simply latch the bar and follow the rails. The same mobs are pulled in the same order and through the same rooms while the same spells are cast for roughly two or three hours.


By Tycho – July 29, 2005

You really have to play this game. I've never seen anything quite like it.


It Looks Delicious

By Tycho – July 29, 2005

Until something comes out that will wrest us from WoW and Battlefield, games industry, I warn you- it's baked treats from here on out. Unless of course you want to see an illuminating meditation on pies. Because the chances of that are really very high.


By Tycho – July 27, 2005

There were user-created means to apply wallpapers with earlier hacks, but for those of you checking out the new firmware it might be the first time you've tried them out. I just made this one for myself, but you're welcome to it. I'd link the artist's site, but last time I did that, I'm told that the rack which hosted her equipment burst into flames.

PSP Firmware 2.0

By Tycho – July 27, 2005

We were talking about this the other day, and I knew it was coming soon, but I didn't figure on a week or so - you can find it here.

Sketch book

By Gabe – July 27, 2005

This year at comic con Kara and I decided to make World of Warcraft themed sketchbooks. We both got a ton of great artwork and I just happen to have my book here at the office so I figured I’d scan a couple. My book is packed with great stuff and I want to thank all the artists who took time to draw in it. Here’s just a sample of what I came away from San Diego with.



By Gabe – July 27, 2005

Well the final word from Think Geek is that the CTS prints actually sold out in just under 30 minutes. Wow.

At The Feast Of Afterwinter

By Tycho – July 27, 2005

The CTS gets sketched hundreds of times over the course of a Comic Con, and trained so by our readers I suppose it was inevitable that he would emerge in the strip. I might inadvertently be giving you information that you could misuse here.

The Omegathon

By Tycho – July 25, 2005

I've been calling the randomly selected contestants in the Omegathon, who are called Omeganauts, and I've been having to find other people on the list because maybe twenty or so people have turned down this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I understand that the competition for our second Omega Collection is fierce, and that you may not believe you have the constitution to face these challenges.

the Front

By Gabe – July 25, 2005

MC Frontalot is playing one final show in New York on Saturday. Here’s a link to the show flyer with all the important info.