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By Gabe – July 25, 2005

This is just a note to let everyone know that the new CTS print goes on sale July 26th at 9:00pm Pacific time. It will be available through our online store over at Thinkgeek. We made 750 of these prints and 500 of them were reserved for online sales. Each of these prints is signed and includes a small metal medallion etched with the PA logo and your prints number out of 750. Every print comes with a certificate of authenticity and is already matted and ready for framing.


By Tycho – July 25, 2005

Desperate times call for desperate measures, thought it appears that even a dark round of Retail Roulette may have its sweet rewards. I have things that I'm looking forward to long term, like Stardock's new Galactic Civilizations or Heroes of Might and Magic V. But Battlefield 2 and World of Warcraft together amount to single game that monopolizes every moment past nine p.m., Pacific Standard Time.

fAnn Art

By Tycho – July 22, 2005

Yukon Makoto sometimes stops by the booth at San Diego Comic-Con, Yukon Makoto, whose 10k Commotion ("Tenkay") I will admit to being completely obsessed with.



By Gabe – July 20, 2005

Kara and I hit 60 last night in WOW. It feels real good. I also had my first encounter with a real GM last night. Over the weekend I met quite a few Blizzard employees at Comic Con. Apparently reading PA is some kind of pre-requisite for a job there. Anyway I chatted for a while with a couple GM’s who explained to me that the majority of their work involves the restoration of items. I remember distinctly cracking a couple jokes about how stupid a person would need to be in order to not only sell off some rare item but also not notice in time to buy it back from the vendor. Fast forward to last night.

Primarily For WoW Enthusiasts

By Tycho – July 18, 2005

...which is almost everyone, apparently. We talked with people about their characters for almost four days solid. "Gabe" drew quite a few characters as sketches.


The Scion, Conclusion

By Tycho – July 15, 2005

The Ann storyline - which huge nerds at the convention have dubbed the Ann Arc, has finally reached its scandalous conclusion. The summer teen movie phase of Penny Arcade is over, and we may now resume making whatever it is we usually make. It's been a couple weeks, I'll probably need to hit the archive and take notes. I dimly recall a scorpion, pulsing with an emerald light.

God Dammit

By Tycho – July 13, 2005

Of course, WoW 1.6 would hit when no force on Earth could allow me to play it. New Gamma Pack though, I can get that.

The Scion, Part Five

By Tycho – July 13, 2005

As though being flung through the air in a steel tube were not already a grave matter for a rational person, one must necessarily arrive at an airport, a zone altogether hostile to the operation of the mind. Forever fixed in a twilight state, everyone is either running as fast as they can (see encumbrance rules), or they are shambling mindlessly in search of brains. When taking advantage of San Diego's restroom facilities, I saw that coins up to a dime had been dropped into it, so many that they nearly reached the water level. What a grim, I thought, what a grisly locale that its urinals and its wishing wells are synonymous.

Comic Con!

By Gabe – July 11, 2005

We are off to the San Diego Comic Con tomorrow. In case you missed my post a few weeks ago I wanted to show you all the new stuff we'll have at our booth.


The Scion, Part Four

By Tycho – July 11, 2005

Looks like she got her equipment set up. Last time she was over here for a LAN, her machine came up on the network as Union_Maid. If you ever have the misfortune of spending any time with her father, I want to emphasize in the strongest terms that you should not draw his protest records back and forth under the needle - in effect, "re-mixing" them. If you absolutely must do it, then for God's sake please do not also attempt to kick a flow. I won't say how I know this.


By Tycho – July 9, 2005

The newest OXM is one of those issues that makes you consider subscribing: Battlefield 2 demo with Xbox Live support, Darkwatch Demo with XBL, and Pirates on top of it. What's more, it's got more information than I've ever seen elsewhere about the new Splinter Cell 3 downloads - two co-op and one adversarial. Something to consider for the weekend.

Did You Move Or Anything?

By Tycho – July 6, 2005

If you've moved since you pre-registered for PAX, please let Mike Fehlauer know - we're mailing the passes directly this year, cool little plastic cards and holders, and we would prefer that the pass arrive somewhere proximate to your physical person. Ahem.