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Big Savings In Every Department

By Tycho – January 14, 2005

I have something that will pierce your neck, commandeer your nervous system and shape your will.


By Gabe – January 12, 2005


By Gabe – January 12, 2005

Well a game finally came out that was able to pull me away form World of Warcraft. KOTOR II wasn’t able to do it, even MechAssault 2 couldn’t hold my interest for more than a couple minutes. I had actually given up and resigned myself to the fact that WOW was the only game I’d ever play again. Then I picked up Resident Evil 4 yesterday and it got a fucking grip on me. Sweet Christ this game is incredible. I had planned on grabbing level 30 last night but I just couldn’t pull myself away from RE. It’s like it broke some kind of spell or something. At least now I’ll have something to do today while the WOW servers are down.


Myst V: The End Of Ages

By Tycho – January 12, 2005

Myst V was announced earlier today, but there was no information about who was developing it or what kind of technology it would use. Someone just shouted the word "Myst" and then scampered into a hedge.

A Potpourri

By Tycho – January 12, 2005

I saw these shots emerge from some kind of magazine scan a couple days ago, but if you crave unparalleled crispness and freshness from your Star Wars: Empire At War .jpgs, look no further. There is also an article that summarizes the known on the title, which admittedly ain't much.

Garrison Titan

By Tycho – January 12, 2005

One of the things on auction at the Child's Play dinner was an appearance in Penny Arcade, which - as it turns out - goes for about a thousand bucks. It's an insane number, and it might have made me feel weird if any of the money actually went to us, but it's true. It actually hit twelve hundred dollars if you can believe it, but someone in the audience had the idea that anyone who donated a thousand dollars to the cause could receive for their own the Gabriel Treatment. We've got a handful of those, and over the next few months we'll be getting to them all, including the erotic dynamos of Red vs Blue. I have some friends in a local Star Wars group that pooled their money, all nine of them, and it is our pleasure to recognize their contribution today.

Prints Are All Gone

By Tycho – January 11, 2005

We're sorry if you weren't able to get one, but yesterday we were trying to figure out what we'd do with all the ones that didn't sell. I'm sort of shocked.


they are going fast

By Gabe – January 11, 2005

I just wanted to let you all know that 270 of the prints have already been sold, so that means as of right now there are only 180 prints left. Think Geek tells us they expect them all to be gone by tomorrow. I hope that some of you will send me an email once you get your print and let me know what you think.


By Gabe – January 10, 2005

Well it finally happened. The limited edition laser cut cells are now available for purchase at our store. We made five hundred of the Twisp and Catsby “Tea with the Moon” cells and we won’t be making anymore…ever. We might make more collectible cells but we’ll never print “Tea with the Moon” again. See that’s what makes it limited edition. Now we kept the first one for ourselves, I hope you don’t mind. Then we took numbers two through fifty and we are keeping those for conventions. That means if you want one of those you’ll need to come see us at the Emerald City comic-con. Numbers 51 through 500 are available for purchase online through our store, and the number you receive depends on how quickly you get over there and buy one. I’m telling you guys this is an honest to God collector’s item and when you get it you will be knocked on your ass by the quality. I mean check this shit out:

Absolute Power

By Tycho – January 10, 2005

There was some sort of roiling tempest on the WoW boards, something about GM abuse, or maybe a gamemaster was just a member of a guild when he was off work, or maybe it wasn't a gamemaster at all but just a Blizzard employee, or some other scenario completely inextricable from the noise all forums generate. I could not reconstruct the trajectory of the complaint, though it has been suggested that a person did something bad, which (obviously!) I'm opposed to.

Old People

By Gabe – January 7, 2005

Wiley, the guy who draws the comic "Non Sequitur" took another shot at Web publishing recently. You can see it published on the web here.


The Funny Papers

By Tycho – January 7, 2005

It was a montage of scenes just like the end of the new Return of the Jedi. All the races of the galaxy celebrated in culturally appropriate ways when they heard that Garfield had been pulled from the LA Times. It's hard not to get caught up in the energy of the moment, but it's more than likely just comics page deck-shuffling, so "the revolution" is probably not coming anytime soon. This leaves me with bushels of unfulfilled fantasies. Huge orange cat statues hauled off their pedestals by tanks. Every Jim Davis in every wrinkle of every dimension dragged gasping to the bottom of the ocean.

The Merch

By Tycho – January 5, 2005

I don't know if you've seen this Merch show or not. It's fundamentally monstrous.

New Comic

By Tycho – January 4, 2005

The update script is still screwed, so I'm just going to get the comic out there as soon as possible and hope that people get a chance to see it. Enjoy.


By Gabe – January 4, 2005

Through a combination of luck, and some help from my guild I was finally able to obtain the entire "Blackened Defias Armor" set which in my opinion looks bad fucking ass.