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We Need You To Be Our Merchandise Coordinator

What does that mean?  It certainly sounds very fancy.  But this person, whatever mortal form they might take, will be coming in to help Lidija and The Design Team make rad shit and sell it from our store and at PAX shows.  Some of that is our own stuff, but some of it - and you might get a preview if you're going to Gen Con - is from a suite of incredibly cool partners who have just begun to trust us to make artifacts of various kinds for them.  There is a ton of potential for us in that, enough that it's simply not a one person job anymore.  I would put our design team against anybody, and all we're missing is somebody who is way, way, maybe too into pivot tables.  Were you looking at a pivot table right before this?  Then please take a look at our new Merchandise Coordinator position.    


Low And Slow

We have had enough experience with a very specific type of person to know when we are seeing that type of person again. Maybe that's unfair, but if I'm overzealous when it comes to protecting myself from domination and abuse it's only because I have some knowledge of it. You'll have to make your peace with it.

Warhammer 40k!

I guess I always avoided Warhammer because I thought I knew what it was all about. In my mind it was a very complicated tabletop game for the hardest of the hardcore who want to roll fist fulls of dice and field massive armys with dozens of models. I had played a couple other miniature games like Warmachine back in the day and enjoyed but I never thought Warhammer was for me. Boy was I wrong. 



No Vault Plz

I'm out of town at the moment, my home utterly colonized by Genshin-addicted teens building their PAX West cosplay. I played it a million patches ago, so I don't even know who these hot boys they are trying to emulate even are. Tell me if this helps narrow it down: they have a novel hair color, an approachable androgyny, and radiate a safe sort of danger.

Tape Mecks!

One of the things that’s so great about Penny Arcade is that it can be whatever Jerry and I want it to be. 24 years into the comic and sure it’s mostly about nerds doing nerd stuff but sometimes it’s an epic fantasy story about kids in a dangerous forest or a Sci-Fi western with heavy religious themes. Well it can also be a 1980’s cartoon about kids who unlock powerful “MECKS” through the use of music cassettes and a special tape deck. Check out Tape Mecks!



Lotta Years

I don't even know what's going on with this Skull & Bones shit. Now that I'm a million years old, I try to comport myself with slightly more decorum than I did as a younger person. I was essentially one of those weird demons from Hellraiser. Now, I'm still a demon, but more like the kind of demon you might encounter if you call a service line for help with a networked printer.


High On One's Own Supply

A comic wasn't even part of the deal; outside of the occasional strip auctioned at Child's Play, it's almost not a thing. Except that Gabriel couldn't believe anyone would make a game where the size of the word you spell is converted into damage, but there have already been a couple games like that plus that's what I do in real life. But yes! Writer's Block is a real game, one I did not develop or fund, in fact, they're gonna pay me to play it, even though they know in their heart of hearts I woulda done it for free. That's very nice of them!

Penny Arcade and iRacing

The Penny Arcade iRacing league continues to grow as we enter its second year of operation. The league has over 300 drivers now and a regular schedule of events all week long. I always drop in for the Thursday night race which you can watch tonight on Twitch starting at 7:30PT! 


Call For PAX West Enforcers!

the show is really starting to come together behind the scenes, and we've just opened up Applications for new Enforcers at hashtag PAXWest 2022.  If you've ever been to a show that doesn't have Enforcers, you know the difference, and you can be part of it.  If it is your intention to join this hallowed order, it is a simple matter: you just head over to and make your will known.    



House Of Cards

It's bad for him to have a dork store so close, but it's bad for me too because I gotta drive by this thing on my way to his house. Technically, I gotta drive by it twice - once on the way, and once back - so they've literally got me coming and going. In my arrogance, I always assumed that was mere euphemism. But now I'm trapped between Scylla and Charybdis!

Mr. Murder

I feel for Ron. I don't even experience it anymore, to be honest - that… omnipresent malevolence. I'm conscious of it but it doesn't really touch me. I'm sure that's bad. I'm probably not the best person to ever draw breath, but purely as a ratio I've invested those breaths in other people more than I have myself. Eventually the caricatures become so cartoonish that it's a trivial matter to distinguish them from the truth.

Snap Ships Tactics Sponsored Streem Saturday from 2-4pm PST!

I haunted their booth like a wailing spectre at PAX, and it was full almost the entire time. This is a really interesting take on building toys AND tactics, with an AI deck that can drive opponent ships. Come check it out!