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Gom Jabbar

Ron Gilbert was talking about Monkey Island, but he's not gonna do that anymore because people were mean online. Which… I think they're always doing that. I don't observe this in order to absolve it; I've worked here for like twenty-five years or something and it's been like this from the jump. There had been threats of death, mutilation, and unspeakable violence almost from the beginning, but the earliest specific one I can remember is when I suggested that Final Fantasy VIII's "Draw" system didn't really do anything for me. I feel like, you know, the punishment doesn't really fit the crime there.

Observer Effect

I think Valorant is pretty cool, but mostly to watch. In practice, it's like a Counter-Strike I'm even worse at. I'm never confused about why I died, but I'm not sure there is a training montage with enough buttressing power to get me legitimate on this one. I made my peace with it.


By Tycho – June 27, 2022

The title dates me substantially; there was a kind of bubble bath that was marketed as a woman's portal to a realm of luxurious pleasure. I need a type of cleansing bubble that operates exclusively on the mind.


Tomorrow at 3pm PST: Sponsored Car Wars Streem!

Oh boy, oh boy!  Eric keeps bringing cool people into the studio.  Join Kiko and I as we learn the new version of Car Wars tomorrow afternoon.  Here's the thingy with all the stuff:



I knew Kara before I knew Mike; we knew each other from Choir. I always gravitated naturally toward Altos; they're natural allies. She grew up what I would describe as "very" Mormon, in the same way I grew up "very" Evangelical, but for whatever reason (perhaps the deleterious effects of an older brother) they didn't have exactly the same edicts about secular music. She was denied caffeinated soda, and I was denied Journey. Music is still something we talk about, decades later.


I knew from the first trailer Neon White was gonna be shit hot. There was some confusion last week when I deployed this terminology, so let me be clear: that's an admirable quality. I don't know where the "shit" comes in, that's the rhetorical locus of the confusion I believe, but long story short: Yes. Neon White executes its intention with aplomb (also good).


Hero Phase

Something I wonder about Game Pass is what it means for the people who create games inside it. There's a lot to discuss when it comes to the service broadly; I'm not saying this is the main thing to consider, it's just the one that's closest to me personally. And I'm not talking about the third parties who sign on to the service for launch, or who join the service later as part of the catalog. I mean… the traditional metric for products is sales. We all sorta understand that part. For Game Pass, is it more of a Netflix thing - with "play time" swapped in for "watch" time? And what does that do to your thinking?


You can find a substantial body of doomsday cultists established particularly around the realm of Artificial Intelligence. That mythos isn't particularly interesting. I understand that might be seen an unserious position, but I find this type of anxiety about as compelling as "worship God just in case!!!" so you can potentially spare yourself annihilation. People want you to believe in their God - that would certainly be a huge plus for them - but they need you to believe in their devil. Then again, I do try to live my life according to an extended club remix of religious precepts, it's how my momma raised me, and it's been better for the people around me that I have. So maybe I'm just kind of a mess.

Literal Pulp

I don't really go in for the levels of idol worship considered normal among my people. When I see a toy still in a box, some part of me would rather see it destroyed through joyous play than sequestered in some airless cube, monastic and celibate. But… for paper goods? Like comics, or cards? Prophylactics, man. Every time.



We have detailed the life of the artist and their bizarre psychological texture before, though mostly as it relates to my associate Mr. Gribbz. I share similar dynamics, but they differ in a vital respect: the older a piece of work is for him, and "old" need only be a couple months, the more likely he is to hate it. I think it must have the unnerving feeling of a creature looking at its own dessicated molt. The work is, itself, the evidence of growth but it's also the evidence that you were once smaller upon some axis you endeavored to improve. For me, it's the opposite. Older work is the only way I can understand what I do at all.

Junior High Comics

By Gabe – June 10, 2022

Anyone interested in what I was drawing back around 1991? Well I found some old comic pages and I figured I should share.

On The TL

I downloaded Diablo Immortal on my phone, but deleted it before I made a character. I put the PC version on my computer and then removed it from the folder before I installed. I'm playing lots of shit right now, and I like all of it. Then I was reading a list of all the currencies, subcurrencies, tertiary value slivers, orbs, dusts, and various agglomerations of same in DI, and then we had the conversation in the strip plus Gabriel's description of the last two panels.