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Raven Shield

By Tycho – March 19, 2003

Despite what I saw on EB's website, Raven Shield - the latest game in the Rainbow Six series, and the first one I've ever actually grabbed - is out in stores now. Interesting review of it over at Gamespot, too.


By Tycho – March 19, 2003

After an initial ratings boost from IGN, the remainder of the reviewing world has had a much more guarded appraisal of Master of Orion 3. This is about what I expected, and I don't blame a person for not taking a shine to it. The game is extremely dense, and it's not for everyone - maybe it isn't for anyone but me.


Sega ad no worky

By Gabe – March 17, 2003

Thanks for the heads up, I know the Sega ad does not work for some of you. We are working it out right now. We think it might have something to do with cookies.

And Yes

By Tycho – March 17, 2003

Writing comics about videogames is fun. I think this is something I could do!

Brief Notes On Location

By Tycho – March 17, 2003

Our man Brad put up a poll in the forum to find out where everybody is. We have no idea, and if we're going to plan where we're going to go based on where you are that's a piece of information we might want to acquaint ourselves with.


By Gabe – March 17, 2003

As you may have noticed we now have an ad for King of Route 66 up on the site. Sega has decided to do a sort of test campaign with us to see if we are worth working with on a larger scale in the future. The ad will probably only run for a few days. I don't know if they intentionally gave us the worst looking ad ever in order to stack the deck against us, but I do apologize for it's terrible quality. Assuming this ad of theirs performs well then hopefully they will come back to us in the future with other games and hopefully better ads. As for the game itself I don't know much about it. You can go back through the archives a few years and read how much I liked 18 wheeler. Route 66 is essentially a sequel to that title so I have no doubt that it will be enjoyable and probably brief.


FF X-2

By Tycho – March 17, 2003

I have been dying to know how FF X-2 turned out since it's Japan release, and Tokyopia's indispensable Chris Kohler has delivered a few scalding words. Of course, if you fear spoilers, you shouldn't be reading something like this.

A Genuine Appraisal

By Tycho – March 17, 2003

Star Wars Galaxies, the massively multisomething offering from Verant and Lucasarts, has been delayed again. You might recall that it was to have a Holiday release, followed a year later by an expansion which would allow (among other things) player owned ships. I would prefer that they finish the game before releasing it, so perhaps it is all for the best.

Con info

By Gabe – March 14, 2003

I am like post crazy or something today. I apologize, it must be the cough medicine. Just a few quick things and then I will leave you alone for the rest of the day.

MTV True Life

By Gabe – March 14, 2003

I just watched the MTV special on gamers and I thought it was really cool. Although I would have to say that Graig (is that how he spells his name?) the Golden Tee golf guy and the Pac Man dude were in the wrong show as they are most definitely not gamers.



By Gabe – March 14, 2003

Well I was gonna go to bed but I decided to read the forum. That is always a bad idea since I often give to much credit to the opinions of strangers. Anyway, I happened to see a thread about a young man making a CTS game. Check out his Sprite work!

Club PA

By Gabe – March 14, 2003

Just a peek at what Club PA members will see this month:


By Tycho – March 14, 2003

The Amplitude demo is on OPM, not PSM. We actually run in OPM, so you'd think I could remember that. Jesus.

A Time Sink

By Tycho – March 14, 2003

I often discuss intellectual property issues with our coder Ramius, and he mentioned that the hearings I mentioned in the main post are already online in transcript form here. I've mentioned this link before, if you are a Digital Liberty sort of person it is an invaluable resource.