After that Neo Geo rant I started feeling nostalgic so I hit Ebay and checked some auctions. My Neo-Geo collection is pretty much complete as far as I am concerned except for a few titles. I still would like to get my hands on Sengoku 3 and Metal Slug 3 home carts. I would also like a Mark of the Wolves MVS or AES cart. I can’t see myself getting these anytime soon as a couple hundred bucks is just way to much to spend on a videogame. I tried getting a MoTW cart a few years ago from NCSX and they sent me a defective one. I returned it and they sent another defective one. I finally just got my money back. Anyway I was looking at MVS carts and happened to see this auction. See MVS games never came with real boxes. They are for an arcade machine so they just came in cardboard boxes that arcade operators would throw away as soon as they could. Now that people are collecting these games though they wanted a nice way to store them and so a guy came up with Shock Boxes. All kinds of people make inserts for these boxes, there are hundreds and hundreds of inserts and a couple years ago I even made a couple for my own collection and posted them on a few Neo fan sites. Well if you look at the Shock Box that this MoTW MVS cart comes with the guy is using the insert I designed.