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Mechassault Content

By Tycho – February 18, 2003

I've got a cute little press release here from Microsoft that says the two new mechs and two new maps we were promised should be here on Thursday. Huzzah!


By Gabe – February 18, 2003

I have talked to quite a few people today about the Acer Tablet PC’s, including Acer Technical support. I will say first that I love the Tablet PC format, it has really changed the way I work. That having been said I think I probably picked the wrong model. This kind of shit just happens when you are a new technology whore like I am.

Tablet PC talk

By Gabe – February 17, 2003

Speaking of Tablet PC's, I have been meaning to link to this site for a long time. It's a great source for Tablet PC news. If you have one already or want one check it out.

Thank God (Re: GBA SP)

By Tycho – February 17, 2003

Travis just dropped us a line and said the power adapter works just fine here - I guess it even says so right on it.



By Gabe – February 17, 2003

So I went and Saw Daredevil yesterday. I thought it was pretty good but I think that is only because I am a pretty big Daredevil fan. This movie is what Daredevil would be like if it was a television show on the WB. Silly special effects and poorly produced fight sequences. I actually found myself enjoying the sequences with Matt Murdock more than those with Daredevil. I am not a big Ben Affleck fan or anything but the banter between him and Foggy Nelson, his partner was really good stuff. It never felt forced or rehearsed like every other bit of dialogue in the film.


By Tycho – February 17, 2003

Today's strip may steer you wrong, as I am only messing with my associate Gabriel and not giving him factual data. I suffered very little over the course of the movie, and (in fact) rather enjoyed many parts. I was able to see it on Valentine's Day, yes, but that isn't to say I saw it with Brenna. She might vote pro-geek in an election, but she's not a member of the party. It is as though she's come to terms with some disease I have.


I do not use AOL thank you very much

By Gabe – February 14, 2003

Yes I know that lots of other websites say they get no lag in CVS 2. Some of you are suggesting it might be a problem on my end, that maybe I have a shitty connection… That hurts. That is like a guy telling you his marriage is going down hill and you say “well did you ever think that maybe your dick is too small?”


By Tycho – February 13, 2003

I've tried for the last half an hour to get the strip uploaded, I don't know what the deal is but I'm just not going to mess with it anymore. The strip for this Friday - "Welcome Back To Exaggeration Theatre" - can be found here. I'll play around with trying to upload it when I'm not so frustrated.


By Gabe – February 13, 2003

I keep playing it. I wasn’t getting as much lag tonight which was cool. I turned off the background music. I don't know if that is what fixed it but it may have helped.



By Gabe – February 13, 2003

Been playing a bit of CVS 2 today...

Uh Oh

By Tycho – February 13, 2003

Gabe's thinking about taking back that Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Mega what's-it-called. I guess it really got his knickers in a twist.

RTCW: Enemy Territory

By Tycho – February 12, 2003

We've been waiting for a game to bring everybody back into a nightly FPS, and I was sort of hoping that Enemy Territory would do it. I was curious about co-op play in the single-player component, but that probably goes without saying.


By Tycho – February 12, 2003

You might have noticed our cerulean reptile there on the right. The reptile in question is meant to draw your attention to the Ubercon event, taking place this very weekend.