I have been dying to know how FF X-2 turned out since it's Japan release, and Tokyopia's indispensable Chris Kohler has delivered a few scalding words. Of course, if you fear spoilers, you shouldn't be reading something like this.

Star Wars Galaxies, the massively multisomething offering from Verant and Lucasarts, has been delayed again. You might recall that it was to have a Holiday release, followed a year later by an expansion which would allow (among other things) player owned ships. I would prefer that they finish the game before releasing it, so perhaps it is all for the best.
I am like post crazy or something today. I apologize, it must be the cough medicine. Just a few quick things and then I will leave you alone for the rest of the day.
I just watched the MTV special on gamers and I thought it was really cool. Although I would have to say that Graig (is that how he spells his name?) the Golden Tee golf guy and the Pac Man dude were in the wrong show as they are most definitely not gamers.
Well I was gonna go to bed but I decided to read the forum. That is always a bad idea since I often give to much credit to the opinions of strangers. Anyway, I happened to see a thread about a young man making a CTS game. Check out his Sprite work!
Just a peek at what Club PA members will see this month:
The Amplitude demo is on OPM, not PSM. We actually run in OPM, so you'd think I could remember that. Jesus.
I often discuss intellectual property issues with our coder Ramius, and he mentioned that the hearings I mentioned in the main post are already online in transcript form here. I've mentioned this link before, if you are a Digital Liberty sort of person it is an invaluable resource.
The sixth and final page of Cardboard and Steel is up. This story encapsulates everything else we do with the CTS that is "narrative" in any way, with future installments named along "The Wandering Age: X" conventions. God only knows when we would do something like this again, or what form it would take - even though it was highly enjoyable for us, I doubt any return to the topic will be soon. We are dedicated adherents to "the path of least resistance," and this much extra work for a daily update is highly uncharacteristic of us. Although, if you just can't get enough of it (which seems inconceivable, but we live in a world of deep and enduring mystery), don't forget that the full color version goes out to Club Members this month along with the sixth page of Over Easy.
I have just learned that "Hilary" from IGN is a dude. I uh...apologize for the mistake. Junior high must have been a bitch huh buddy?
I haven't had much time for games lately which sucks because I am not nearly as far into Dark Cloud 2 as I would like to be. Obviously the positive side is I spent all that time working on the CTS mini series which I feel is probably my best work to date. I took some time off from the insane schedule I have been on this afternoon and I played some Kung Fu Chaos with Robert, a guy who used to be my friend. The fact that he is no longer my friend has nothing to do with Kung Fu Chaos and everything to do with Guilty Gear X2.
With cool unique content coming out for the PS2 and the GameCube, it's nice to know that those of us who adopted early will have something to show this Friday.
If you think Raging Blades (four-player, 3D hack and slash action) looks cool, and you have the hardware to play Japanese Imports, just try to find a copy of Raging Bless. That's what it's called over there, and the entire Goddamn game is in English to there's no reason to wait.
First of all, thank God Evil Avatar is back. Jesus Christ, I thought I was going to die.
Page five of Cardboard and Steel has been uploaded, there is but one chapter until things get back to normal around here. Normal, of course, meaning sentient home appliances or whatever.
I just updated the Club PA page for this month with something we think is pretty fucking cool. Club PA members this month will get page six of Over Easy along with the entire CTS mini series in full color. Also keep in mind that Tycho is in charge of Club PA now, so if you have any questions about Club PA mail him at clubpa@penny-arcade.com. Club PA members also get access to their own forum and our undying appreciation.