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By Gabe – January 28, 2003

I got sick yesterday and I continue to be sick today. Kara is making me drink some kind of disgusting juice. It's got Cran in it which I guess she says is good for me but I think it tastes like ass.

Silent Hill 3

By Tycho – January 27, 2003

Some new info and media for the game over at Gamespot, and probably other places, if you are so inclined. I've hungrily read the text on each screenshot that has it, and I'm starting to believe that my theory about this game's protagonist might be true. I wont write it here, in case I'm wrong, because then I'll look stupid. More stupid, rather.

Fire Sale

By Tycho – January 27, 2003

To add insult to injury and near death, if I hadn't been gallivanting through the Goddamn stone age all over Washington state, I was going to bottle the mellow Fire Sale Ale. What is Fire Sale Ale, you ask? Or didn't ask? Please don't tell me about Fire Sale Ale? Well, if you insist.


By Tycho – January 27, 2003

Here's the strip. I'll get to it in a second.


Scary but true

By Gabe – January 24, 2003

Tycho’s wife took him out of the house today on some kind of adventure up to some mountain. The very thought terrifies me. He is able to stay in touch via his sidekick though and he sent me this e-mail from the road:

Need a job?

By Gabe – January 24, 2003

Here is a funny story. Every Year at E3 we always make an appointment to visit the Bioware booth and see their games on the first day of the show. We always make this appointment for exactly 12:00 in the afternoon. We do this because they always have sandwiches, beer, pop and brownies. Combined with looking at early builds of games like Knights of the Old Republic you can see why this is often our favorite appointment of the show.


By Gabe – January 24, 2003

This is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. Here is the email I got:

Two things

By Gabe – January 24, 2003

Yes, that is my stuff in the Sketchbook Gallery. I don’t think that there are a whole lot of artists using the software yet so I was happy to donate my stuff when they told me they needed work for the gallery section. I guess that is one of the benefits of being an early adopter.


The Hook Up!

By Gabe – January 24, 2003

There is a brand new Hook Up article available today. Home Theatre guru and ladies man Storm Shadow was at CES in Vegas and he gives us his report.


By Gabe – January 24, 2003

As many of you know Comp USA was stupid enough to give me a credit card a few months ago and I immediately used it to put myself a few thousand dollars in debt. What I got out of the deal was the Acer TravelMate C100 Tablet PC. They call it the TravelMate I assume, because it's designed to be taken around with you while you travel. Well I don't really "travel" unless you count the trip from the computer room to the kitchen. I doubt that this is what they had in mind though.

Why The Hell Not

By Tycho – January 24, 2003

With humans in a mad rush to snap up movie licenses (an in some cases molest them), the acquisition of the Metroid movie rights seems like it could be a cause for celebration or alarm. As it happens, there's another license out there now that we think could be a real blockbuster. Get it? Blockbuster.

web comics

By Gabe – January 23, 2003

I don’t generally read other web comics. I mean I read PvP but that's about it. Today I got sidetracked though and ended up looking at about five or six different strips and I came to a conclusion... I don’t bitch nearly enough about how hard it is to make a comic strip.


Some Stuff

By Gabe – January 22, 2003

It’s that time again. If you donated to Club PA in January and didn’t get page four of Over Easy please send me an e-mail with “Club Gift” in the subject. Just tack on your receipt and I will get the gift out to you ASAP. It looks like this month Amazon decided not to notify me at all when people donated. I can look at the account and see that plenty of you did actually donate through Amazon so I am assuming their notification system is busted or something.

Grab Bag

By Tycho – January 22, 2003

It's nice to see some new screens from Crimson Skies after so much radio silence. These shots are fine by me, love them, but please, please, please tell me this game will be online. I was big into it on the PC, and I will cry myself to sleep if this game comes out with only solo play.

Dude, Whoa

By Tycho – January 22, 2003

We didn't know what to make of Infinium Labs' mysterious "Phantom" gaming console, but I'm reasonably sure we have accurately portrayed its origins. Every new console has to go through this hazing procedure from us, even magical, spectral consoles like the Phantom which are made of ectoplasm. Feel free to examine their site for clues on what exactly they're doing. IGN pondered many of the same questions we did, it would appear. It seems like it's essentially a sealed PC with a broadband service component that delivers retail games. I mean, don't quote me on that. They could be selling goats for all I know.