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By Tycho – December 11, 2002

It is safe to say that we were both pleasantly surprised by the movie Equilibrium. Perhaps him more than me, but I'm still just learning to enjoy movies that don't have French titles.

The Contest is over

By Gabe – December 9, 2002

Okay it's about 6:00 pm and I am going to reset the voting, keeping the top three contenders. Some people wanted pictures of the characters so I have added little thumbnails of each. Oh, and if Samus wins it will be a pic of her without her helmet;)

Vote on who gets drawn next!

By Gabe – December 9, 2002

December is going to be a crazy month for me as I am sure it will be for many of you. It just seems like there is so much shit I have to get done in December. Our good friend Stephen is coming to visit this month. He is flying all the way from London to spend a few days here. I always enjoy hanging out with Stephen because I learn new words like Bollocks and Quid. We also treat him like he is from a third world country whenever he is here. We turn on the faucet and explain how in the US we have luxuries like running water. Then he makes a face like he is thinking about killing us. Its a little game we play.

Pure Joy

By Tycho – December 9, 2002

I am satisfied that this speaks for itself.



By Gabe – December 6, 2002

I gotta crack out a Penny Arcade Christmas card today but I wanted to talk to you about advertising first.


By Tycho – December 6, 2002

Gabe's affection for straight-up action is slowly creeping into my own tastes, a failing for which I will have to answer to God.


By Tycho – December 6, 2002

I'm getting my stuff together for the MOP LAN Party this weekend, and when loading the CD's into my CD case it seemed to me such a motley connection of weird crap. I don't even know how half of this got in here, but it's such a messed up cross section of the last six years that I had to post it. Some of these things are shameful, but I'll leave that for you to determine.

We're Playing Asheron's Call 2

By Tycho – December 6, 2002

I'm as shocked as anybody, but Gabe is completely into Asheron's Call 2. I invariably must play a game like this by myself until I find a somebody to crew with, but it's actually him that suggested it. Having never played a game of this kind, he couldn't understand the fairly random distribution of loot gained by victorious combat - i.e., what is this Rat Man doing with a lute? There are, of course, many possibilities - though only one seems truly plausible.


Thank God!

By Tycho – December 4, 2002

It looks like we have the same incentive to pre-order the new Zelda that they did in Japan - that Zelda 64/Ura Zelda bonus disc. If you don't know what I mean, give this link a little clickeroo.

PA shirts!

By Gabe – December 4, 2002

My nightly MechAssault partner, Kiko of fame has just informed me that Penny Arcade shirts are back in stock. If you have been dying to get your hands on either a Wang Fu or a Shut your Pie Hole shirt now is your chance. I know it sounds cliché but you should get them while they last. Wang Fu especially has a way of disappearing with a quickness.

More Mechassault Stuff

By Tycho – December 4, 2002

I get press releases all the time, but I usually don't post them because I don't find the content terribly interesting. This stuff warrants mention.


By Tycho – December 4, 2002

I'm also crazy about Acronyms, and to it warms my heart to present to you the Penny Arcade Internet Notification Tool. With us posting more here, and at odd times, this tray utility will let you know when we put something up. Feel free to grab a copy, and if you like it, please let its author Neil know that you love him.


Dee Wee Dee

By Tycho – December 4, 2002

When I professed my nearly psychotic fascination with HBO series shows like Oz or The Sopranos, many people wrote in to suggest that Band of Brothers was not to be missed. It's out on DVD now, I honestly don't know when it came out, but I hope it was recent or else I'm telling you something you already know. The Boxed Set is a very nice little production, though almost overwhelming in expense when purchased at retail - renting each of the five DVDs or queueing them up on Netflix or whatever is probably the more sensible approach. I've only just seen the first one, and it left me so satisfied I wanted to take a nap.

Location, Location, Location

By Tycho – December 4, 2002

There is a level in Mechassault called River City, a pretty cool urban environment which becomes a bouquet of twisted wreckage about five minutes into the match. Do otherwise rational beings actually live there? If not, what are the buildings for? And who builds them back up, thinking this, surely this will be the last time a parade of mechanical giants redecorates the place with futuristic weapons?


By Gabe – December 3, 2002

A reader was kind enough to point me towards Spike after reading my last update. It appears as though the dream of a single wireless controller for all your systems is not as far off as I thought. I read over their page and the technology sounds pretty fucking cool. I can’t wait till they deliver on it.

Mail Bag!

By Gabe – December 3, 2002

Q: Is that a big screen on the right? If so have you had any problems with games burning images on the screen?