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just some stuff

By Gabe – November 6, 2002

I know for a fact that there are human beings out there who are playing Capcom vs SNK 2: E.O. on Xbox Live right this very minute. Even as I type this there is someone someplace delivering Rock's devastating Double Reppuken. While it's true that I too have an Xbox Live beta account I am forced to play football which I guess is a sport, or some motorcycle racing game where you crash all the time. I do not know what these lucky bastards did to get their hands on this game early but part of me hates them for it. The other part of me though wants them to mail me and tell me all about it.

Natural Selection Again

By Tycho – November 6, 2002

I just played on a server that ran so well I figured the patch must be out, and I was right. It's almost like a new game, and anyone who played it before and after the patch will know that isn't an exaggeration.

I'm Probably Late On This

By Tycho – November 6, 2002

But I just learned about it, so it is conceivable that I'm not the only one.


Basically True

By Tycho – November 4, 2002

Everybody who is anybody knows all about the leaked Doom 3 alpha, so I don't need to tell you that it's floating around out there somewhere. I'm also not about to pretend that it didn't happen - that an early glimpse of one of the most anticipated games in history didn't wend its way onto hard drives across the world. It's not like there isn't a precedent for this sort of thing: iD games seize the community with heat, sound, and strength like no other earthly force. That energy gets this stuff out there, as it did with previous titles of theirs. You couldn't safely make judgements about Doom III based on this code, and I think it's clear (despite any rumors to the contrary) that iD never meant this to get out. It's just there. I'm of the opinion, though, that this naughty stuff is one of the things that makes gaming on the PC so great. Leaked drivers! Overclocking! Unauthorized alphas! I can't get enough of this shit.

Checking my E-mail

By Gabe – November 1, 2002

Just a quick update to let you all know that my Penny Arcade email address is boned right now. You can still reach me at this address though. Hit me back at that address if you still need your OE pages.

Mail issues

By Gabe – November 1, 2002

Just a quick update to let you all know that my Penny Arcade email address is boned right now. You can still reach me at this address though. If you need to get your OE pages hit me back at that address please.


Tiger WOOOO!

By Gabe – November 1, 2002

Some of you may remember my rant from a few weeks back were I laid into Links 2003 for looking like ass and not being on the Xbox with Live support. Well I got a bunch of mail from people telling me that I should check out Tiger Woods on the PS2. While it didn't have the multiplayer I craved, they said it was a great looking golf game that had some really fun and solid gameplay. Well I decided that since the new Tiger Woods 2003 would be coming out in just a few weeks I'd just wait and pick that up. Well I grabbed it yesterday and you guys were right, this game is great. PGA 2003 is almost everything I could possibly want from a golf game. I say almost because there is still no goddamned Live support. Otherwise this is the golf game I always wanted. For the most part I have always steered clear of console golf games because, honestly I find them a little insulting. I refuse to play a golf game whose slogan is "Got Balls?" I don't want to play a round of golf as a Biker or a dominatrix. If your golf game has an upskirt cam you can count me out. PGA 2003 is the absolute perfect mix of realism and flash. If I happen to really tag one I'm treated to some fancy camera angles, maybe a bit of slow motion or if I really pound it, a little flash of fire as the ball takes off. That is as much spectacle as I need in my golf game. I already love the sport, I already think it's cool. I don't want my character to make wise cracks or shake her tits. Fancy made up courses are fine but I also want to play the real thing. PGA 2003 has 13 famous courses and the ones I have unlocked so far look fucking beautiful. Playing the 18th at Pebble Beach with ocean waves crashing against the rocks on my left and mist rolling across the hole was awesome. I want to play the 17th at Sawgrass not some crazy hole with a volcano on it. PGA 2003 is fantastic. If you love golf like I do then you owe it to yourself to pick this one up. You won't be disappointed.


By Tycho – November 1, 2002

Zoid Kirsch - creator of the original CTF for Quake, currently working at Metroid Prime developer Retro Studios - took me to task for talking about the Metroid Fusion ROM the other day. Gabe didn't say anything about it, but I'm certain he took some time out to leer.


By Tycho – November 1, 2002

I have been a proponent of Opera for a very long time, I've just liked how clean it felt. As it turns out, it gets even cleaner.


The Night Train

By Tycho – October 31, 2002

Just got back from Jackass, and I know you aren't supposed to like that show if you're smart or whatever but that's the best Goddamn eight-fifty I've spent in recent memory.