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Shenmue II

By Tycho – October 31, 2002

A lot of the fundamental geometry of the game is fairly dated, coming as it does from the past, but it looks better than I remember. Facial textures have taken a step up, and even dingy urban environments manage to be colorful. To say that load times have been "improved" over the ponderous DC original is a feat of understatement. I can't tell you how happy I am to be playing a Shenmue game again. I had feared that I wouldn't find myself taken by it, that I had perhaps amplified the original beyond reason or measure. Thus far, this has not been the case.

Metroid Fusion

By Tycho – October 30, 2002

People keep hurling this ROM at me, and since my morality gland is largely vestigial I snapped it up.

Some More Shit

By Tycho – October 30, 2002

I was thinking about some more Tony stuff.

One-Two, One-Two

By Tycho – October 30, 2002

I don't know if it's some kind of spam prevention mechanism or what, but it appears that Gabe can only send 500 messages or so per day from his e-mail account. I don't think they tell people about that limitation, as most people won't brush up against it - as soon as you send number 500, it places a twenty-four hour moratorium on sendings.


I Have No Comment

By Tycho – October 30, 2002

If I told you that Gabe kept hitting me with a tube he fished out of the dumpster - pausing briefly to consider the precise ferocity quotient his next strike should embody - well, that's not likely to reflect on me favorably. Please envision a scenario that doesn't make me look like a total pussy.

I give it an 8.62315

By Gabe – October 28, 2002

I stopped going to IGN about a year ago after one of their many re-designs. It seems that each time they get a bug up their ass to overhaul their website they make it harder and harder to actually find any content. So I probably never would have seen this review of Clone Wars by Cory D. Lewis had Tycho not been kind enough to bring it to my attention. We always joke about how terrible most reviews are. The rating systems are usually completely worthless. I mean, if you ask your buddy what he thought of a game he doesn't say "It's about a 7.8". This latest review for Clone Wars only served to prove our point. Cory D. Lewis delivers more mixed messages in this review than a teenage girl on her first date.

Dinky Bomb!

By Tycho – October 28, 2002

My friend/admin Webjester hooked me up with this Dinky Bomb game, whose mechanics should be familiar to anyone down with Worms. Anyway, Dinky Bomb is free, free, free, runs in a browser, and is Internet capable. So yeah.

Gabe Is Angry Again

By Tycho – October 28, 2002

Gabe was out of town this weekend visiting family, and since his parents have that digital shit he was able to check out the G4, Gamer TV thing. He apparently quite enjoyed the show that had no people on it. Once he saw the actual people, he became feisty - hence the strip.


Natural Selection: Yay

By Tycho – October 25, 2002

The demigods at work on Natural Selection sent word of a new trailer posted at their site, as well as a firm release date: October 31st. There's something else happening that day, I forget what.


By Tycho – October 25, 2002

Pretty good luck having two Metroid games coming out the same day next month, eh? We've finally got some confirmation at PGC regarding the mysterious connection between the two games. Read on for more specifics.

The Next Comic

By Tycho – October 25, 2002

Today's strip should not be taken as some kind of encouragement along the Horse Steroids axis.

Over Easy

By Gabe – October 23, 2002

Most of my e-mail lately has been people who donated to club PA this month wanting to know when they can expect to see Over Easy in their inbox. I'd say I am probably 90 percent finished with the first two pages at this point. I'll be spending today trying to wrap up the last few panels I have to do. As Tycho mentioned earlier, Kiko will be doing all the sound effects lettering in OE and I couldn't be happier. My goal is to get over easy mailed out to all the Club PA members next Tuesday. That's almost 1000 people though so it may take me a day or two. If you don't have it by Friday of next week, fire me off an e-mail and I will make sure you get hooked up. I know it's taking a long time but just sit tight for a few more days. I'm really proud of the way this is turning out and I can't wait for you all to see it.


Winter Buying Guide

By Tycho – October 23, 2002

So I uploaded today's strip into the past, like I uploaded a strip last week into the future. This makes no sense, as Gabriel very politely names each comic with the proper date. I simply won't draw attention to it, look cool, and hope that no-one notices.


By Tycho – October 22, 2002

In my pining and reverence, I must have forgotten that Raven Shield was delayed until February. My Birthday is in February.


By Tycho – October 21, 2002

There's lots and lots of stuff coming out this week. Most of my bad boys are shipping next month (we'd be talking Raven Shield, Metroid Prime, Metroid Fusion, Splinter Cell, and Hegemonia - really) but t'ain't a bad crop in the meantime. Still kind of bummed out that Tony isn't online on the Xbox, but maybe it'll run alright over Tunnel, eh?

Cory Said To

By Tycho – October 21, 2002

So here I am, putting up these Matrix Reloaded teaser sheets. The Neo one is probably the best of the bunch.