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Sorry About The Late Strip

By Tycho – November 27, 2002

It's got nothing to do with Gabe, either - he got it to me yesterday well in advance of midnight. I was just watching that fabulous Buffy, then I finished Alice Sebold's The Lovely Bones, then I went out to get something to eat, then I leapt over a river of molten rock...

Steel Battalion Redux

By Tycho – November 25, 2002

I hope IGN won't be mad that I copied this bit from their Insider review, but Aaron Boulding said something very true and I want to recognize it.

Over Easy

By Gabe – November 25, 2002

Since posting the pictures of the GBA skins I have gotten over a dozen e-mails from people asking what the hell Over Easy is and why they have never heard of it. Sometimes I feel like I mention shit too much and that you guys are probably sick of hearing about it. It seems like no matter how often I talk about OE though there are still people who seem to miss it. So here is one more quick post about it.



By Tycho – November 25, 2002

There was this bowling alley on my way home from Salk middle school called Diamond Bowl, and they always had pretty good taste in games. over the years I played a lot of Xenophobe and Xybots there, as you can well imagine - the second Spy Hunter wasn't a bad way to spend an afternoon, either. But I always came back to their battered Black Tiger and Rygar machines, two action platformers with an insatiable thirst for my money.

Penny Arcade GBA skins!

By Gabe – November 25, 2002

Over the next couple of months a lot of you will probably be heading home to spend some time with your family. A lot of you will probably also be dragging a video game system along with you in order to dull the pain. I know I will be making the trip back to Spokane come December and my Xbox and my Cube will be making the trip with me. I wanted to point you towards LASR Accessories. They make these new backpacks for hauling your system around. I have a carrying case right now for my Cube but it only holds the Cube and one controller. These backpacks actually have space for all your games and cables and whatnot. The other really cool thing is that you don't have to take the system out of the backpack. The wires and everything just pop out the sides letting you play right out of the bag. Anyway I got one and it's pretty fucking cool. If you need to take a system someplace you should check them out.

Confessions of a cable junky

By Gabe – November 25, 2002

I love to play video games and so I have invested a lot of time and money in making sure that I have a kick ass place to play these videogames. While working at Circuit City I had the ability to purchase all kinds of great stuff at an amazing discount. As I started to collect more and more components I realized that I enjoyed hooking up these devices nearly as much as I enjoyed actually using them. I can spend hours behind my television re-wiring speakers and untangling cables. When something stops working I get absolutely giddy because I know that it will require I get back there and start checking those connections. If it's a really bad problem I may even have to make a run to the store to purchase a new cable!

A Meditation On Value

By Tycho – November 25, 2002

As media enthusiasts on the fringe of the sensible, we're all no doubt familiar with Monster Cable. They have crafted a niche for themselves as a producer of luxury wire, spooking consumers with grave proclamations regarding "attenuation" and "dirty power." The copy on the back always tends to lay it on a bit thick, conferring an almost totemic quality to these strands which are, it would appear, humanity's last bulwark versus nebulous evil. He was just starting to get into home theater when we lived together, and he'd assure me that he was sensitive to the minute fibrillations of audio purity provided by substandard cabling. When he picked up the Monster Cable surge protector yesterday, I had to act.


A Second Opinion

By Tycho – November 23, 2002

Reading Evil Avatar this morning I noticed that Gamespot tossed up a review of Steel Battalion. Obviously, we did not agree on many points. It seemed worthwhile to give you another perspective on the game, however.

Mail Bag

By Gabe – November 23, 2002

I was going to respond to Tycho’s comment but I think this e-mail from Ken says it much better than I ever could:

He's Like A Wild Dog

By Tycho – November 22, 2002

And he always puts me in these situations where I have to apologize to the neighbors.


By Gabe – November 22, 2002

Q: "Wouldn't you be bummed if you now discovered that modification now prevented you from accessing some new special feature of that console?"


Did I say something?

By Gabe – November 22, 2002

Seriously, wouldn't you guys get bored if I wasn't here to piss you off every now and then;)

Xbox Live not for hackers!

By Gabe – November 22, 2002

If you read you may have seen the article they did on Tuesday entitled "Xbox Live not for everyone." Apparently a bunch of hacker types took a break from giggling with each other about the irony of installing Linux on their M$ Xbox and noticed they can't connect to Live. David Beck actually wrote an article sympathizing with these poor souls who took it upon themselves to totally fuck over the insides of their Xboxes. David reports that "Numerous owners of modified Xbox units reported in forums at the Xbox Hacker site that they were locked out of Xbox Live." I'm sorry, tell me again why I am supposed to care that a bunch of thieves and jackholes can't use their modified systems to fuck up my online games with cheats and hacks? The article goes on to quote one of these winners as saying "All I know is I have two machines--one modded, and the other not. The one that's modded can't connect at all, and the unmodded one works perfectly." DUN DUN DUN! Holy shit this is like an episode of fucking Murder She Wrote. Someone call Matlock so he can solve this mind bending puzzle! News flash Hacker Bob, Microsoft announced months ago that modded systems would not work with Live. Here's an idea for all you poor saps with $200.00 coffee tables now. How about in the future you don't crack open every piece of electronics you get and fill it with illegal hardware. At the very least how about you don't bitch to me when your soldering iron escapades leave you high and dry.

Muting People In Mechassault

By Tycho – November 20, 2002

John Tokash wrote in with two comments about Mechassault, both of which warrant broadcasting.