Let's talk about the rule.

Let's talk about the rule.
I just wanted to make a quick update. I was out of town all last week so I am way behind on my e-mail. I know that by the end of last week messages were just bouncing back to people. I will try and catch up this week. Just wanted to let you all know I’m not dead.
The very moment winners were been announced at the Cartoonist's Choice Awards, we immediately regretted having rejected our nominations. Then we remembered that, wait, we were Cartoonists, right? Why couldn't we Choose? An award, I mean?
Because Batjew said not to, and I respect that.
No Sir.
You won't hear another word out of me.
Oooooooooooh. That con.
I recognize that - under ordinary circumstances - Penny Arcade is not your source for comics about man's single-minded enthusiasm for putting one thing into another thing. Putting the lime in the coconut was only the tip of a terrifying iceberg covered in a carpet of unblinking eyes with the wild, animal look of a man who has killed. If you already knew that human beings were doing this kind of thing, by which I mean the spider-goat thing, my hat's off to you. We never heard about this shit until a week ago, which is surprising because when someone squeezes some Goddamn spider silk out of a goat's titty it's the kind of thing one expects to hear about. Industry is clacking its hideous mandibles with excitement over the applications of readily available spider silk, focused largely on the swinging and thwipping sectors of our economy. I'm making goofy jokes about it because I think that we are a young species that often fucks with things we don't know how to unfuck. It's a coping mechanism.
Just read a review over at IGN that pegged it at 2.5 out of five stars, and I think that might be a little harsh. The fact of the matter is that this film is not as good as its predecessor, an affliction not uncommong among sequels. That said, it's far from complete trash, and has some great to fantastic moments peppered throughout. Some of the dialogue simply doesn't work, some of the events you really couldn't give a damn about, but Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones do their level best with what they've been given. Also, there was a show nothing, tell nothing Terminator 3 trailer. If you liked Men In Black, I'd see it - at budget hour.
This is not uncommon: Brenna will come home with two arms full of books, and I will commandeer some portion of their number and block all access to them. There is a profoundly readable volume by Leslie Alan Horvitz called Eureka! Scientific Breakthroughs That Changed The World, and I do suggest you ask your Public Librarian if they have a copy for you. Many of the inventors profiled therein are intriguing, but I found myself particularly sympathetic toward one Philo Farnsworth, inventor of the electric television. It seems resonant to geekdom at large, and I present his tale here for your enjoyment and edification.
Almost forgot.
If you're reading this, it's because the Homelan guys got all of our stuff moved into the new colocation facility without a hitch. This is, we believe, because they are rad. This is also the best performance I can remember of any recent strip day, which is either because things are just working better at the new place or because no-one reads Penny Arcade anymore. Honestly, either one of those is fine. I'm of the opinion that the whole thing was getting out of hand.
Servers are moving to a new colo tonight, we don't foresee any problems but it's something you should know. Should be back up well in time for the next update.
Today is National Stupid Day, named so for inventor Robert Stupid, whose Stupid Engine revolutionized idiocy.
Neal Stephenson enthusiasts might find this amusing.
It's Monday, which is vile. It's also July, whose exact coordinates in the vile continuum are too early to call, but Nothing Nice To Say reminds us all to pay our rent. I had nearly forgotten myself, and it was such a poignant, timely piece of advice that I chose to reprint it here without permission.