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Call me Kenny Rogers

By Gabe – April 22, 2002

I am absolutely in love with the Soldier of Fortune 2 multiplayer test. My favorite part of the game is setting people on fire with the incendiary grenades. There is nothing quite as satisfying as slow roasting a terrorist. It’s only fitting that I spend most of my time defending the briefcase from attacks through the kitchen. I only wish I could add an apron to my player model and maybe one of those fancy chef hats.

Layne Staley

By Tycho – April 22, 2002

I've never felt it was proper (or possible, really) to speak with familiarity and sincerity regarding the passing of this celebrity or that celebrity. I do, however, enjoy telling stories.


Pay Attention

By Tycho – April 22, 2002

Today's comic has plenty of words already, and as such does not require much of an investment on my part. Suffice it to say that it concerns idiots, briefcases, and Soldier of Fortune 2. When the illustrious Justice Cat called us pussies for using the crosshairs, I knew then that our race was doomed. No-one could possibly be smart enough to counteract that much stupid. So, Universe, it's been great being bipedal and everything, though I feel like I got fucked out of a grasping tail. All in all, I give existence an Eight.

Land of the Rising Fun

By Gabe – April 21, 2002

Thanks for all the great input on Land of the Rising Fun. It seems like lots of you would like to see us cover games that won't be coming to the US at all. Also many of you requested reviews of GBA games since you can play Japanese games on your US GBA without any special modifications. I also got mail asking us to look at older games for systems like the Saturn and the Dreamcast. These are all great ideas and we can certainly do all of them. One of the ideas that seemed to come up a lot was a sort of import gaming 101 article. Lots of people avoid importing games simply because it's so damn confusing. What hardware will I need? How do I get a MOD chip? What the hell IS a MOD chip? I think this is a fantastic idea. In fact I would like to start collecting questions for it right now. If you ever had a question about importing games but you were afraid to ask please send it to me. The more questions I get the better this article is gonna be so please hook me up.

He's the good cop

By Gabe – April 20, 2002

Wow I wake up and check my mail to see that once again I have managed to piss off an entire community. It’s like I have some kind of goddmaned gift or something. While scrolling through pro boosting messages I also saw quite a few people suggesting that my screw job of the news system this weekend is a good thing. It seems some of you like having something new to read on Saturday and Sunday. So I figure since I’ve gone this far why stop now.

Don't be silly

By Gabe – April 20, 2002

I don’t see anything wrong. It looks like the same old news to me. I don’t know what could possibly be wrong with it. I am sure I would notice if there was something messed up and I don’t see anything messed up so it must be perfectly normal. Yup, must be.



By Tycho – April 20, 2002

Is something messed up with the news? It seems messed up.

Shit, I boned the news!

By Gabe – April 20, 2002

Tycho told me that uploading news on a non strip day was tricky. I was all like "Yeah, okay whatever man.” Then I go and fuck it all up. When I made my last post all the news from Friday got bumped into the archive. You can see it all right here.

More Anonymous Fun!

By Tycho – April 19, 2002

Please note that this anonymous fun is in response to the anonymous fun posted earlier today.



By Tycho – April 19, 2002

I'm afraid that if I don't take an Aleve the tingling will go away.

Thank God it's Today!

By Gabe – April 19, 2002

Well it's Friday and you all know what that means, it's Love and Hate time! A brand new installment of everyone's favorite advice column staring my wife and an angry Semite is now available right here.

It's Strange

By Tycho – April 19, 2002

I have this uncontrollable urge to operate heavy machinery.