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Darth Bepis

So, there was a minute there where whenever Gabriel wasn't playing Enlisted he was reading Spearhead and vice versa. I started reading it also, it's sort of the Tanker accompaniment to Band of Brothers and it's frequently terrifying. I think I would be exceedingly bad at being a Tank Man. When my father was stationed in Germany, he managed to get a tank stuck on a stump and throw a track during peacetime in an otherwise empty forest, and I like to think I could approximate the same level of valor. Some fathers set a high bar! Mine did me a kindness.


I’d be ashamed to tell you how much Enlisted I’ve played since discovering it last weekend. I feel bad sometimes recommending a free to play game but sometimes the gameplay is solid and that’s the case here. Enlisted is a WWII shooter that features large scale battles with infantry, armor and aircraft. It’s got classes like engineers that can construct all sorts of handy defenses and radio men who can call in artillery strikes. These classes are doled out slowly via a battle pass with each faction having their own unique units and progress. This is all cool and executed well here but for me the really interesting thing about Enlisted is how their squads work.

The Ship Eater

There is no end to his wickedness and perfidy, and not merely as regards the cream his notoriety has enabled him to skim. At the last PAX Unplugged, I bought a bunch of VAST stuff from Leder Games, with the money that I earned from working. I had it shipped to the office because, if you have ever been to PAX Unplugged, you know it is very easy to purchase games and I had already done so to the maximum limit - filling even the extra bag I had brought, and then one additional bag I bought at the show to carry the other things I bought. It's a strange realm where, via some process cloaked from the eye of noble science, one game may become three.



When Gabriel gets into something, every molecule of his being is bent toward it. So, if he's curious about World War, he's reading books and watching documentaries and playing games also. Gabriel ended up taking a detour out of Battlefield V over to Enlisted, a freemium excursion in a similar vein, with a few novel twists.

Snap Ships!

When I was a kid we used to get the Sears catalog delivered to our house. This was a huge book of stuff you could buy from Sears including clothes, tools, appliances and Toys. Oh God, the toys. I used to spend hours drooling over Micro Machines, G.I. Joe figures and Ninja Turtles. There’s not really a Sears anymore but we happened to get an Amazon catalog in the mail a few weeks ago. While going through it with my 11yo son Noah we saw an ad for something called Snap Ships.


Race Night!

By Gabe – October 14, 2021

Tonight the Penny Arcade iRacing league is headed to USA International (the dirt oval) and we'll be racing the dirt street stocks. Join us in the pit crew at 7:30 PST over on Twitch for the chaotic opening to season 8! Oh and if you aren't familiar with the PA league check out this awesome hype video with footage from last season!


Multi-Level Marketing

These have been weird times for Twitch. Obviously the hack is the more recent issue, laying the very spine of the operation bare, and their ongoing issues with moderation - but this week's strips were written in advance so that Gabriel's tender craw could heal, and we were unable to pierce the veil of time and peer into the future. Although, I should see what pills they gave him. One of those might do the trick.


Tooth stuff, the "realm of the mouth" as it were, is where Gabriel's most primal horrors are situated. I don't have the particular problems he has, and has endeavored to resolve by resorting to the predations of unaccountable forest mystics. But that's only an index of how much he loathes Dentists as a profession.

Night Writer

Kiko and I have never vibed on a game harder than Alan Wake. Mass Effect was big too, but that rolled in Gabe and a couple other people to compare choices and timelines - Alan Wake, for whatever reason, was just for us. We discussed everything chapter by chapter, like a book club. We watched the fucking webseries! I linked it there, but I haven't seen it since then. Maybe it's actually bad. I don't think so, but the mind is a fragile instrument.

New-ish World

I've said a couple times that there is a something, maybe even a physical something, wrong with the part of my brain that would ordinarily collect a crisp basilisk urethra in an MMOs. It just won't let me do it. The particular cadence of its repetitive activity activates the same part of the brain that the burner of a hot stove might - it says hey! Idiot! Stop doing this.