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Return of the Mike

Our reorganization of the streaming room here at home is just about done. Gabe and I don’t have everything exactly where we want it just yet but we have the new Gundam PC hooked up and everything works. If you watched the build stream it's worth mentioning that once we got it home, Gabe was able to fix the front panel lights. 


We were overjoyed to have the opportunity to work with Asus, specifically the Asus X GUNDAM line, and even more specifically the EFSF manifestation of it. We went for the EFSF because we weren't sure if expressing sympathies for the Principality of Zeon on stream would be a TOS violation.

Plump Wall Syndrome

Kara beat Kena: Bridge of Spirits even before Gabe did, which is impressive, seeing as that was his life's focus. But I guess he was gutting his streaming room and drawing a bunch of shit and building a Gundam PC with me for an Asus sponsored stream and also being terrified about his oral surgery so maybe there were some other things happening. Or maybe Kara continues to be a baller, shot-caller, and/or brawler. There is an established precedent where she is concerned re: clutch plays.

Finding Out

Apple's reprisal against Epic's weird-ass gambit was a foregone conclusion. The Gambit, just so we're clear, was to sneak in a parallel payment system that privileged itself over Apple's, and then when Apple responded by ejecting them from their ecosystem - as Epic knew they would - to then release a video they'd apparently already made to suggest that adhering to the contractual obligations that had made them hundreds of millions of dollars up to that point was now tyranny.


Birthday Stream!

Tomorrow is my birthday and I’m getting the best gift, an ASUS x Gundam PC, built by my son Gabe!  Join us live on stream at 11am PST as we put this together with guidance from Jerry as well as Chris from ASUS ROGNA.  I promise I'll do my best to keep the PC destroying rays my body naturally emits contained.


Gabe liked Destiny when it was very much not a cool thing to like. Kiko and I used to give him shit about it all the time. Kiko never got entirely wrapped up in it, but it had me pretty fucked up for a while - to the extent that I still maintain an active eye on lore developments even if I don't feel like grinding whatever new dust they've invented.

Move Name Exclamation Point

I installed the Demo for Tales of Arise, mostly to see what its vibe would look like in 4k, and I can tell you that in the fifteen minutes I played it the vibe was very good. I decided that, purely as a matter of considered chastity, I would save myself for Deathloop - a game that, even in the best case scenario, involves playing the same areas over and over again until they are utterly known to you from every angle. I've been impressed with how fresh they've managed to keep it given that, and I've also spent a lot of time hunting down other players, but I don't think I can do that and effectively grind a JRPG. Even if the vibe is very good in 4k.


Vitamin Z

What kids in the house watch on their own time is fairly constrained, but what we watch when we're together might be a little broader than what's considered normal. For example, Derry Girls is probably the piece of media most prized by our clan, and it's replete with filthy language, blasphemy, and references to the sort of intimate congress that - despite its apparently scandalous nature - produced every human being on Earth. Because of the way they experience the world, with unrelenting immediacy, I honestly don't even know if you could show them a piece of media they'd recognize as true if it weren't Rated R.

What If 2: What Iffer

Warnett Humboldt wasn't a snake, but he got snakes. He was content to own the concept of a snake in his mind; he had no interest in having one in the house. That seemed a little too on the nose - or whatever a snake had. There, up front; two quick snake-holes that suggested a colon. Suggested a breath: literally and perhaps even figuratively.


Whatever you may think of me now - how I comport myself, what I "get up to" - I'm fried dough compared to my previous incarnation. He was not exactly done in the middle, and that is being diplomatic. I had to endure successive annihilations to shave down a variety of sticky-outy bits which made being around me complex and not in a Pinot Noir way. More like complex in a fuckin' shut up way. I see that Michael has rendered me with the teabag I would occasionally tie to my glasses because I liked the smell. This was around the time I started wearing sweatpants exclusively - I realized that while I was required to go to school, I was not required to wear uncomfortable pants while I was at school. The realizations only bloomed from there. I came to understand I was also wearing a host of constraining ideas that were of no benefit, either. It was around this time that I invented the hippo.



I've had so much going on the last month or so that I haven't had time to even purchase Aliens: Fireteam Elite, let alone install or play it. I'm generally insufferable about Aliens shit, so insufferable that I often avoid games of this kind altogether just because I know that I'm exceedingly picky about this kind of shit. I've told you before: I'm "that guy" about it. It's not a point of pride for me. It actively diminishes the joy I might otherwise receive from substandard horseshit and is something I consider a net loss.

Vib Wibbon

I've just had too much to do leading up to the show to catch it, and when I rest I fall into the dark sleep of prophecy - but the Doctor Strange episode of What If? is something I need to make time for. At least, that's what I'm being told by Gabriel, except he told me in a weird way that doesn't map onto any known sayings. Please let me emphasize that this is something he really said. It was probably a slip of the tongue, but now it's out here and we need to contend with that.