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The Dumbest Timeline

This motherfucker can't stay out of the news. And because eSports and social media have transformed every human medium of communication into a tabloid, I can't look anywhere without seeing it. So now, even if you have scrupulously limited your Internet access to this specific site, you still have to put up with it.

The Neon Corridor

So, without repeating myself too much, one of the reasons I like games is that I think - true or not - that somewhere in the experience of playing a game, I might be able to find some shadow of the person that made it. The game could also be the shadow, I suppose; they may be what casts the shadow. I'm not sold on any particular metaphor. It's very, very weird when I play a game that already seems to know me.


The Overwatch League is having at least one of its intended effects, that of putting Overwatch itself back into rotation for Garb. By which I mean Gabe. Garb might be a little too far. Plus, it's a word already. Garb is the Dark Souls of needless handle transforms.


I caught some OWL when I probably should have been preparing for my son's D&D game. They are now engaged in a live or death struggle with a race of featureless black cubes whose only weakness is candy. There are probably worse fathers but I can't think of one right now.


Beaks And Geeks

Gabriel and I have been playing Monster Hunter, yes, but only after he and his family get done playing pirate in Sea of Thieves. That game is some weird shit; I played on the stream once, and with he and Kara a few other nights. This feels indie as fuck, like a Steam survival darling in Early Access. In every possible way, the good and the bad. I think it works the kind of odd magic that I would have told you, straight up, Microsoft didn't have in its roster. I can't even imagine the fights they must have had to keep something like this alive.

The Real Monsters

There's this weird-ass bird in Monster Hunter called a Kulu-Ya-Ku that legitimately puts on airs. It's got this little tuft - the same tuft I have dangling from my weapon for good luck - and it's always digging up rocks like some captain of fucking industry. It likes to throw the rocks and it also likes to corner you and kill you with the rock. Well, it likes to try. I chin check a motherfucking bird from down low and they stop doing it.

Sea of Thieves

I can understand why not everyone would like Sea of Thieves. Technically it’s a video game but it’s really more like a hardcore pirate simulator. They have created an ocean and populated it with islands full of treasure. You’re given a boat and honestly not much else. There is no tutorial and no direction of any kind. When you spawn for the first time you’ll see your boat bobbing gently at the dock. You could hop on and get lost for hours in incredible pirate adventures... or you could stand there and wonder what the hell you’re supposed to do.


Division Of Labor

There was an issue for some people trying to access the Sea of Thieves preview of the game where it said they were Too Early or some shit; eventually that started working for Gabe so it felt safe to enter. It was not. I had the same error and no recourse I could see, except for in the reeking warrens of Reddit, where I learned that you could cancel your preorder and then order it from somewhere else and it would work. And it does work. But routing sales of your first party title away from your own digital store over to Amazon must be considered a colossal eff fest.

The Sins Of The Father

I ended up with a few Subnautica codes, most of which I gave away via the Tweeter. But the role I enunciate for myself in the strip is true, I think Weird Uncles are completely vital. I don't have any non-weird uncles. But apparently Gabriel the Younger can only cling terrified to a laptop in a digital ocean that threatens to swallow him whole.


Gabe sent over the strip with the subject line "Is this too much?" and I told him it's virtually impossible to tell things like that. I didn't suggest, though I will suggest now, that I'm not the best person to ask for information of this kind. I'm something of an "advance scout" when it comes to conceptual territory. I'm not saying I'm right about things necessarily, just that I tend to range in the zone where the reproducible and the reliable give way to the untrammeled abstract. I mean, look at that sentence. It's like Exhibit A.



Out here, up in the Game Spire, where we buy games and then play them, Public G is a big deal, if not the biggest deal. But a lot - and I mean a lot - of people play Fortnite. To give you entre into a world you may not be aware of, the Youngs play Fortnite almost exclusively. It doesn't cost anything. That's, uh… that's a pretty good price. There's nothing even approximating a Queue on the PC. Once you've decided you want to play, that's it. And from the sounds of it, that kind of community support is having an effect on their other titles. Weirdly, it's even having an effect on the PvE side of Fortnite, which you might recall was its original incarnation. I think that's temporary, though. I hope so, anyway. There's a path through this where the two halves inform each other. At this point, I think they're still reeling from the shock.

Dark Magics

My flights were cancelled many, many times, both on the way into hashtag PAX South and out; while I was writing today's strip I learned that I'd lost the reservation I'd made to account for the previously lost reservation. It flipped several times during the next hour until I was able to get a flight that would work - sort of - provided I could get there in the next twenty minutes with my wife and moist larvae in tow.


I'll talk to Gabe later about changing the first i to a capital I, but since it's in the original script I suspect it's gonna have to be something I do myself with tools I fashion from wood and stone. Sometimes I can convince Kiko to do it in secret. I might be getting him in trouble, there. I have to admit that I've been quite startled by the viewership on Twitch for a few recent events, but this is what happens when a piece of content floods a new viewership into the platform. When I saw the OWL running on Wed - didn't see the new one on account of PAX - it was consistently over three hundred thousand viewers. Then again, notorious digital satan loltyler1 had around that, and he is a single person with no shirt on. The times we're living in are fucked and if somebody claims an ability to reckon the future of this, they can't. Not really.