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The vaunted Overwatch League manifests later today, five or so hours after I post this. I've been spending all my time trying to reclaim New York from the ravages of a manufactured disease and also from man who is the real monster, so this is the most Overwatchy I've been in a while.


I knew that there was one Paul Brother, because he got in trouble a few months ago for heaping expensive furniture into a pool and then setting it on fire. When Yoda said "there is another," that was ultimately an expression of hope and joy. This is a situation where there is another except it's not the best.

The 10 most popular PA strips of 2017

I asked our Technomancer Mike Buland to do some digging in our data mines and find out what the top ten Penny Arcade comics of 2017 were. He got back to me and said "...there are a number of ways the comic can be viewed that won't register on the analytics system, so what I can grab right now won't be fully representational..." and a bunch of other engineer type stuff that I didn't really understand. He did give me a list though!

PAX South Pin Quest!

PAX South is coming up next week and I'm getting excited. Last year at this time I had just ruptured some of the important plumbing inside my human frame. I ended up zipping around PAX South on a little scooter while the carbon fiber patch they sewed into my guts took root. This year I'm happy to announce that I'll be walking around on my legs like I usually do.



I'm married to a crafty lady, I know lots of people in the props biz; this is all to say that "some of my best friends are crafters." I have absolutely no beef with people who make enduring objects out of thread, I was just very surprised to see Gabe up knitting. I mean, it's just art I guess; I shouldn't be too surprised.


Best Value

Nomenclature-wise, we use the term "Smurfberries" for any type of secondary currency. That's where the first truly massive unauthorized purchases were reported, and there's also a kind of insult nestled in the language. An imaginary currency named after an imaginary fruit eaten by imaginary creatures is, ironically, a pretty robust metaphorical statement.



When we were talking about writing comics, we ended up talking about the things enemies are always saying. They're always saying things, but the difference between a six to eight hour campaign and the nineteen hours I currently have in The Division means I have heard them for - at minimum - ten more hours. And I'm gonna play another three hours tonight. So, more. Here's a DLC I will pay for: one that makes every enemy speak a single part of Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. This guy is the oboe or whatever. Consider it: you could remix the score in real time with your M249.

The Worst Day Of Christmas, Part One

I wasn't there when it happened, but I'm told that Ronia and her incredibly smart friend Sarah cracked the case on this Santa shit, and Brenna folded quick. I might have done more to safeguard the tradition, but Brenna occupies a realm of perfect honesty - a realm so dedicated to the virtue that our son had an operating knowledge of prostitution when he was five.

More Lore

Her mother called her Walnut. First, because she was small. When Walnut was less small, there were other reasons to call her thus. She was sweet, but secretly so; tender, though few were allowed to know. And there was power, too; great power, her birthright as a Daughter of the Enclave. A sky-piercing power.