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Ever Judging

The new Madden's "Longshot" campaign is really interesting to me. Not, like, "buy Madden" interesting. Let's not get carried away. But the weak and callow Gabriel has - again - failed in precisely this way.

Thornwatch Update!

Mike Selinker over at Lone Shark games has posted a big update to the Thornwatch Kickstarter. I still have two pieces of art to wrap up but both of them are for the Dark of the Wood expansion. The requirements for this game have pushed me to draw outside my comfort zone at times. Taking the Judges and turning them into avatars with unique abilities was a ton of fun and I love thinking of them as the Eyrewood's pantheon. Drawing them has been a challenge for me though as it's just not the sort of thing I tend to draw. Thornwatch has been full of challenges like that though and I am really proud of how it's all come together. I've never created this much art for a single project before and I can't wait for you all to see it. If you'd like a sneak peek at some of the artwork I've been doing for this game you should hit up my Instagram.


The Wordsman

Polygon did in fact have to change their article about Apocrypha, and I am pleased, plus technically (as I am being told on Twitter) it should be "lupursine." I was trying to come up with something that sucked really bad, though, and being profoundly incorrect is certainly one way to suck.

Won't Someone Think Of The Laws

I bounced off LawBreakers, and - like usual - I'm happy to accept the blame. I couldn't find it; it's possible I didn't try hard enough. It's also possible that there is more than one game out right now. I haven't checked, but I feel confident.


I remember when I first conceived the idea of stealing the idea of pin trading from Disney. I hoped that some day it would grow beyond just our Penny Arcade characters and cover all the things we love about games and comics and nerd shit. Never in my wildest imagination could I have foreseen someone at PAX West 2017 trading Garfield and Master Chief. This is seriously an incredible group of pins and I love that a few of them are for good causes. Speaking of which, I did draw the Take This pin. Gamers and mental health are very close to my heart, so I hope you'll go pick up the pin and support the work they do. Also I still can't believe we have a Mario pins! Here, check out all the pinsanity at PAX this year:


D&D with kids

My oldest son Gabe is about to turn thirteen and already I can feel him emitting powerful teenager angst rays. One of the things he wanted for this momentous birthday was for me to run a D&D game for his group of friends. Well I ran it on Friday and I have to say that running D&D for twelve year olds is the absolute best thing ever. Especially when it’s everyone's first game and they have no fucking idea what to expect.

PAX West Q&A Question Form

Hey! I had a couple requests for this on the Twitch channel, and here it is if you have any questions. We've been putting out a lot of new work lately, on various channels, so it's worth getting this in front of you if you're curious about one or more of our nefarious tendrils.


I like to read books

My wife Kara planned a vacation to celebrate me turning forty next month. We just got back from eight glorious days in Maui and my sunburn has officially entered the “itchy as fuck” phase. I’m not good at vacationing and eight days is actually the longest I’ve ever allowed myself to take off. I really like my job and the work I do so sometimes it’s difficult to step away from it. I’m very glad I did though as I was starting to get a little burned out and I think the time away really helped. As Cypress Hill so aptly put it 17 years ago, “It’s a fun job, but it’s still a job.”

Peep This

I always have a good time working with my friend Kris Straub; we've been working for years to find a project to do together, and it happened sort of without us realizing it - with AcqInc: The "C" Team. I didn't realize that's what we had done at first, but we have three solid hours or so a week to make a story together now, we just do it in real time and he doesn't know a hundred percent of it. His entire character is an ironic OC Self-Insert called "K'thriss Drow'b" that he tucked into his intro videos for Acquisitions Incorporated, and - as is the way of these things - it became a truth. It's a thing. I have been in at least three bands that started as jokes.


I had mentioned on the Twitch thing that I like hobbies that have a lot of custom language, that is to say Jargon; most hobbies are like this, but some are more dense than others. Someone bellowing from the depths of Twitor, The Truncated Realm, suggested that my hobby is actually learning new words, and the particular genuflections of these hobbies are essentially just the rind.