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PAX Dev Storytime

By Gabe – September 5, 2014

I guess I’m technically a game designer now since I am designing Thornwatch. It still felt very strange to be invited to speak on a panel at PAX Dev though. I’ve always avoided the show because the entire point of PAX Dev is to give developers a space to speak freely without fans and media around. We built a treehouse for them and I didn’t want to spoil that.


By Gabe – September 4, 2014

You might wonder what I do after PAX to unwind. Well the answer is I play games. After this show I took the next two days off. Yesterday was devoted to League of Legends. With only a handful of short breaks to eat food and interact with my family I played LoL from 10am to midnight. I drank soda and played games with my friends all damn day and it was the best.

Thornwatch Panel

By Gabe – September 4, 2014

I did a panel at PAX Prime with Mike Selinker last week. We talked about Thornwatch, where the game is now, how it got here and then I broke down some of the core mechanics. You can watch the entire thing on Twitch right here. If you have not been able to play it, this is the most complete look at the game and how it plays. Let me know what you think!


By Tycho – September 3, 2014

Being a public person is a strange business, particularly when you have spent the first part of your life being taught time and time again that you belong nowhere. I would not trade it for anything, of course, and I was a spectacularly "interesting" employee, so I'm not certain there's really an alternative for me anymore.


PAX Prime 2014

By Gabe – September 3, 2014

This year’s PAX Prime was the 17th PAX, which is pretty hard for me to believe. It also marks 10 years of PAX Prime here in Seattle. I can still remember my wife Kara, pregnant with Gabe during the very first PAX at the Meydenbauer convention center. He started 4th grade yesterday and will turn 10 years old on September 9th. It all happened so terrifyingly fast.


By Tycho – September 1, 2014

Making an update while PAX is ongoing still feels pretty weird. I mean, if you worked at a gaming news site, I guess this would be, like, your whole show. I suppose the reality is that everyone is updating constantly about the show, and everything else, professionally or otherwise. "Writing" and "Living" are two distinct gears for me. It's a big lever and it's hard to pull.

The Scintillator

By Tycho – August 29, 2014

Gabriel is constantly impressing himself with what he calls his thinkin's, which are like little caltrops for the brain. He once posited that while it was technically true that each cock exists within its own "timeline," under certain rare conditions it would be possible for a cock to block itself.

Like You Do

By Tycho – August 27, 2014

I had assumed, largely because I was directly told, that the conglomeration known as Goo-Tube was purchasing Twitch. It certainly seemed to map out, what with Twitch cracking down on copyright in exactly the same way YouTube had. But that's apparently just hedge trimming now, work that must be done in advance of acquisition by any party. Amazon picked them up. On accident?



By Gabe – August 26, 2014

The most recent cinematic trailer for League of Legends got me thinking about the game again. I’ve played a lot of it over the years but I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten this into the strategy of it. I’ve always liked it, but I’m actually trying not to suck at it now and that’s new for me. I’ve been watching the LCS matches and I’m surprised just how much I enjoy watching other people play a video game.

Shutting Off The PAR Server On Thursday

By Tycho – August 25, 2014

We brought it back up for awhile so people could harvest their favorite stuff off of there, but we're gonna flip the big switch here in a couple days. I have a lot of favorites I'll be copying and then subsequently pasting: it was a great site, and a lot of people worked to make it so.

Thornwatch at PAX Prime 2014

By Jamie Dillion – August 25, 2014

As you can see by Mike's posts, Thornwatch development continues! While the game is not quite ready for large-scale demoing, we will be conducting a limited playtest at PAX Prime 2014. Playtesters will be drawn from the Thornwatch email list: we'll mail that list Tuesday with a questionnaire (the most important question being, "Do you have a PAX badge"), and randomly select playtesters from qualified respondents on Wednesday.

Merch Banner For PAX

By Tycho – August 25, 2014

Brian said people wanted to know what we were bringing to the show, so I got the banner image from Kiko. You can click it, and it will become larger as a result.


PAX Sakaguchi Panel Update!

By Tycho – August 25, 2014

His panel is now located in the Main Theatre (Benaroya Hall), and begins at 5 PM on Friday. He has a signing at 6:30 at the Paramount Theatre later that night.


By Tycho – August 25, 2014

The things people are willing to enter into text fields perpetually surprises me.

We Are Signing All Prints Purchased By August 28th

By Tycho – August 22, 2014

We've got a thing going right now where we are doing that. So, any Penny Arcade Print or Print Set from the store will get signed, and of course any of the daily strips. If you have liked one, or you think for some inexplicable reason that another person might like it, the orange button in the upper right of any comic will take you to the store. Okay, that's it. See you around.

The Conclave

By Tycho – August 22, 2014

There's a new playtest for Thornwatch coming to PAX Prime, one that plays around with the systems a little bit. Jamie had an idea counter to a decision on the game's fundamental focus, and she proved that contentious ground with an adventure. That adventure forms the core of what you might play at Prime. I'll let him do the rest of it, but I will also put a link to the newsletter sign-up because newsletter subs are how he determines his worth as a person now. Well, newsletter subs, and maintaining an atmosphere of psychological terror.