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By Tycho – March 17, 2014

Tie-ins of the constructible sort are something I don't reserve enmity for. Aside from any thoroughly custom pieces, they don't even have to be what it says on the box - you never have to make that if you don't want to. The bricks don't care. Lego is about as philosophical a toy as we allow the young.

Dreadball Xtreme Kickstarter, Plus Tycho

By Tycho – March 15, 2014

Keek and I used to play Dreadball "after class" at the told office, until a friend of mine wanted to run a league and I gave him all my stuff from the first Kickstarter. After I backed it, they asked if they could do a Gabe sculpt and throw him into the campaign as an MVP "hireling" for use in your teams. It was an easy call, and I liked coming up with a fiction for him that felt appropriate for Gabe, the game, and also fact that it was a Kickstarter.


By Tycho – March 14, 2014

It's interesting, I think. I haven't made any material changes to the conversation here. Channelling our creative impulses in productive ways is what he does, and frankly we need it. It's not like we don't still get up to weird shit. He doesn't actually tell us what we can and can't do, what he does is tell us what we are doing, and then he makes a face. It's super effective.

Games and stuff!

By Gabe – March 13, 2014

I honestly can’t believe how great Titanfall is. I’m playing it until midnight every single night and cursing my human body every time I have to log off and crawl into bed. I’m not sure that any one game is worth buying a console for (except maybe Mario 64 back in the day) but Titanfall makes a damn strong case for picking up an Xbox One.


3 facts about PAX East that you will not believe!

By Gabe – March 13, 2014

God I hate those headlines. Honestly once you read these facts you will probably believe them. You should believe them anyway because they are true. If you don’t believe I’d actually be kind of surprised. That headline sucks though: “3 facts about PAX East that you will more than likely believe.”


By Tycho – March 12, 2014

He was fucking around out there Spark-wise when I got to work, and it was clear that he had been putting his best into it. I won't lie: when the camera focused in on a wreath of thorns, and the word "Thornwatch" came up, I felt it in my gut. So maybe he's a little more savvy than we imply.

Frozen Endzone

By Tycho – March 10, 2014

Frozen Endzone hits Steam Early Access today. I find "sports" challenging, but tactical games based on sports are another irresistible clutch, so I'm glad they went that route. I don't remember if I asked him or if he asked me, but I'm happy to do my part to spread the word. Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Paul Taylor of Mode7 games.

Quelle Horreur

By Tycho – March 10, 2014

My mind is essentially redlined all the time. But I can always instantiate "the receptionist," a demi-conscious shard of my capacity that appears to be a person and can respond believably to ninety percent of queries. Apportioning greater focus requires that something hit the "clutch": it must stop normal operation on account of its persistence or its unique virtue. Such things can be buzzed in and merged into the schedule.



By Tycho – March 7, 2014

It feels like subterfuge, and the raw facts of the case are true, but Kara is way into this kind of shit. It's not really a "deal." This is not how it works at my house. There is no special allowance for toys-playing-with, even if they are the very best toys.

Xbox One and Twitch

By Gabe – March 7, 2014

Major Nelson came by the office on Wednesday to show Tycho and I how the new Twitch app worked on Xbox One. He had stopped by a few weeks prior and found us streaming from the PS4. Larry is a cool guy though and even jumped into our stream and showed off the Titanfall controller. I was a little worried the PS4 camera would melt him but he left unscathed. Anyway he knows we like to stream now and he wanted to show off their new app. He ended up hooking me up with a code so I could grab it myself at home and play with it before its official release on Tuesday alongside Titanfall. I played with it last night and came away really impressed.

Upcoming Cool Stuff

By Gabe – March 7, 2014

I just wanted to give a few updates on some of the stuff we have in the works.


By Tycho – March 5, 2014

The comic we were attempting to make about Project Spark never materialized, and instead, this comic managed to peck its way out the of the shell. Kiko asked me if we had a podcast of this writing process, presumably because it would have been "interesting," but we didn't. And when I think about it, there is no causal chain that results in the strip. The strip is like something we found half-submerged in sand, complete and entire.


New Site Features

By Gabe – March 5, 2014

When the new site launched a few weeks ago I mentioned it was a work in progress. Erika, Levin and Kenneth have all been hard at work finishing stuff that just wasn’t ready for launch and also taking all the feedback we got into consideration. Well last night we updated the site with a bunch of new features. Let me break it all down for you.

Two Streams!

By Gabe – March 4, 2014

Dead Nation lands on the PS4 today with a few upgrades. The original was a decent twin stick shooter but not really a stand out in my opinion. I’d probably skip this new version if it wasn’t for the Broadcast+ feature. Supposedly it will allow Twitch viewers to spawn items, weapons and even more zombies into the game by typing keywords into the chat. I’m sort of curious how this works so let’s give it a try today.

What How Why

By Tycho – March 3, 2014

The fourth or fifth time I tried to explain Bitcoinz™, I started to notice a pattern. But every time I thought I was getting a little closer to real shit, like a cartographer whose previous journeys had prepared me for the next.


By Tycho – February 28, 2014

You would think retrofitting an unrelentingly charming, polychromatic setting into a team-based shooter would be the hard part, but no. They nailed that part. When you can get in to play Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, holy shit. Not everybody got the memo brand-wise, but believe it: I can banish them. I know how to Snap Party.