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The Vault

By Tycho – February 26, 2014

I dunno. I would describe the current schedule for Thornwatch as "aggressive" and "ambitious," things I don't normally associate with my associate. It's happening, though. It's really happening.

Thornwatch Update

By Gabe – February 26, 2014

This is the year that Thornwatch goes from being a hobby that I play with my friends to a game you all can go to the store and buy. That means I need help and that means letting people in on the creation process which so far has been...messy. There was a point during a game a few weeks ago when we decided we needed to alter a word on some of the cards. I said that was gonna take me a while and Mike fehlauer helpfully suggested I just use the “find and replace” command. It dawned on me then that he assumed I had done the smart thing and created all these cards in some sort of easily editable program like Excel or Word. I laughed and watched his face drop as I explained that each of these cards is a multi layered Photoshop file with dozens of layers representing various iterations and ideas. Everyone at the table looked at me like I was insane. “We need to see your files” they said.

Watch Us Play Thief!

By Gabe – February 25, 2014

We are gonna turn on the stream machine today around 2:00pm PST. We’ll be playing Thief and chatting with folks watching at home. You’ll be able to watch it right here:


By Tycho – February 24, 2014

A comic which embroiders universal themes.


Three games and a book

By Gabe – February 24, 2014

I was surprised to learn that games that are not Titanfall keep coming out. I grabbed Strider which had come out while I was gone. I also pulled down the FFXIV PS4 beta and I managed to get my hands on a code for Thief which actually won’t come out until tomorrow. I gave each of them a few hours this weekend.

Game Night!

By Gabe – February 23, 2014

I’m doing a second game night at Snapdoodle toys in Kenmore. This one will be Saturday March 15th from 4 to 8pm. I’ll be playing Tsuro of the Seas this time. Tsuro is a fun game that has you laying tiles down on a board to build and then navigate complex mazes. Tsuro of the Seas is the sequel and adds some fun new elements. Seeing as Gabe and I recently started playing Magic the Gathering there’s a good chance we will also bring our decks. We are novices though so you’ll need go easy on us.

PAX East Indie Showcase

By Tycho – February 21, 2014

It may not be apparent outside of my own mind, but the "PEIS" has a specific mission to promote games on mobile. PAX10 is more broad. But mobile is an especially scary place to make games right now, and I think there's good to be done thereby. Unlike a lot of games at a show like this, a lot of times you can just grab your phone out of your pocket and buy something you like right there. As magic tricks go, that's a pretty good one. This year's impulse purchases include:

Kwisatz Haderach

By Tycho – February 21, 2014

Because he had to spend the week in Spokane, a haunted demiplane universally understood to be a cultural strip-mine, he thought he would "try" Magic to pass the time. "Try" it.


DLC Animated Now Available!

By Tycho – February 21, 2014

One of the "Stretch Groals" for the DLC Kickstarter was that Kris Straub (of Kris Straub fame) would animate some of them. The first installment of this sacred pact is now delivered. He's on the hook for another one of these, but... wow. I really liked this one. I'm starting to wonder if it should be a thing.


By Gabe – February 20, 2014

Tycho recently got back into Magic the Gathering and at the time I gave him a fair amount of crap for it. This was a game we played in Junior High. Kids with shoe boxes full of cards would congregate outside the band room during lunch and play on the floor. I knew it was still going strong but for some reason I hadn’t given it much thought in years.

Club PA

By Gabe – February 20, 2014

We launched Club PA with the new site design and the response has been incredible. We honestly can’t thank you guys enough for the support. We have gotten a ton of great feedback on Club PA and it seems like people really dig all the extra content. There are a couple stand out elements that seem to be the biggest hit amongst the Club members.


By Tycho – February 19, 2014

Talking with Kenneth, our Server Dude Cyber-Warlock Person, his fantasy for Titanfall is what you might call a "Reverse Dust" which sounds like a skateboard trick. The purpose of Dust 514 (multiplayer shooter) is to embroider the heretofore largely theoretical elsewheres of EVE Online (multiplayer treachery engine). But the realities of their Heinlein-derived "weaponized orbital factory that shoots warbots" are something long to manage logistically! I want to make sure the breakrooms are constantly topped-off snackwise. Just imagine the spreadsheets.



By Gabe – February 19, 2014

I’m in Spokane this week to visit family and get some work done on my tattoo. Coming over here isn’t my favorite thing in the world but I brought plenty of stuff to do. I’m playing Spell Quest on my iPad, Muramasa Rebirth on my Vita, and Loadout on my Surface Pro. With all that at my fingertips I’ve hardly had to interact with human beings at all!

New Humble Bumble (Elebbin)

By Tycho – February 18, 2014

Even if I don't grab a specific bundle, I always watch the video which accompanies the bundle. It's, like... a thing. I like the syncopation of DRM Free and Helps Chari-Tee, both as they are presented verbally but also that these are two things to value. This one has Antichamber, Swapper, and Monaco, any one of which would be worth a multiple of the average; it's also got Austin Wintory's fucking piano shit from Monaco, and more besides. It's a bruising, vicious bundle, and should you forego it, I will be forced to mutter ineffectually under my breath.

The Hot Seat

By Tycho – February 17, 2014

It's true, everybody is talking about Titanfall. Today's strip is about Titanfall. It's entirely possible that Wednesday's comic is also about Titanfall (it's about Titanfall). I can help you understand: it is because games are almost never as good as you want them to be.