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Force Multiplier

By Tycho – February 14, 2014

While we waited for the Titanfall Beta to accrete, we talked about our Valentine's Day plans. Or, I should say that he talked about his plans. I have a very hard time with things like that. It's no excuse, or it is an excuse, but not one that bears any kind of explicatory power and will not result in any kind of authentic amelioration. I freeze up to this day when it comes to any kind of scheduled romantic overture. You can get married, have two children, and still experience "first-date" style paralytic events!

The Old Ways

By Tycho – February 12, 2014

We were sorta going over all the stuff we've been occupying ourselves with, trying to figure out which one of them might present a handle or might be transmuted into jpeg form - Loadout maybe, we've been playing that. Then I mentioned that I had, inexplicably, decided to become a Planeswalker or whatever. That's when he took the opportunity to card-shame, but I know absolutely every Goddamned thing about him. The ordnance lobbed in the strip was delivered because it would be effective; it's by no means the largest payload I have. There are profundities within profundities.

California Streamin'

By Gabe – February 11, 2014

We have had a bunch of requests for a co-op game that Tycho and I can play together during a stream. So today we will fire up the Lego Movie Video game. Look for us to start around 2:00 pm PST.

The new site!

By Gabe – February 11, 2014

The new site hit last night and we've been following all the feedback. The site is new and will get plenty of updates and tweaks as time goes on so if you’re not digging it, I would urge you do be patient and see how things shake out. With that said, you can always bookmark the page for a more familiar experience. This page gives you all the newsposts with full text and you’re just one click away from the comic strip.


Club PA

By Gabe – February 10, 2014

Club PA is back! It’s not exactly like it used to be a decade ago though and so I wanted to break down for you exactly how this is gonna work and what Club PA members can look forward to.


By Tycho – February 10, 2014

You can still go and rate the game however you want to, but the way that Dungeon Keeper pretends to gate reviews is funny. It's funny! I don't know how bad it actually is in toto, but it absolutely one hundred percent looks fucking bad. Everyone, indeed, every organism would do this if they thought they could.

Kickstarter Wrap-Up, & The Return of Club PA

By Tycho – February 7, 2014

Anyone who has been around the site for awhile knows that we aren't shy about trying new things business-wise. They don't always work, but I want this to be a place where we make bets on things. Funding the site via a Kickstarter campaign was just such a thing; in addition to being experimental, it was one of the first steps we took toward moving backward in time. It reminded us of when we ran the site essentially on donations, which was something I really liked doing. It was only two of us back then, so it was a very different proposition financially. Still. Going that route was incredibly instructive personally and professionally. Here's what I mean by that.

You have a new friend

By Gabe – February 7, 2014

I mentioned the stream earlier and I wanted to talk a little bit more about it. Originally we thought it would be something we do a couple times a month but we’ve been having so much fun playing games and chatting with everyone that we’re doing it almost every day now. Even if it’s just for an hour everyone here at the office really looks forward to the streams. People bring their laptops out to the lobby and we all hang out on the couches. You’ve probably seen Jamie in the streams acting as a moderator and answering questions. Her Handle in there is JamiePA and she’s not just doing that kind of stuff on Twitch.


Outlast Stream

By Gabe – February 7, 2014

Tycho and I will be trying out a new game on the PS4 this afternoon and streaming the experience. I wasn’t too keen on Outlast for a couple reasons. The big one is I tend to avoid scary shit. I don’t handle scares well at all just ask my wife who has entered a room on more than one occasion and seen me scream and collapse on the floor. I don’t watch scary movies and I avoid games like Silent Hill for the same reasons. I’ve been told Outlast is crazy scary so it wasn’t exactly on the top of my list. Also a game where all you can do is run and hide isn’t really my style. It might be Tycho’s style though so he’ll take the controller for this one and I’ll be riding shotgun.


By Tycho – February 7, 2014

Yesterday was my birthday. I don't make it an altar of self-worship like some people. I actually had to look at my wiki page to find out how old I was. It wasn't the number I expected, but whatever. Who gives a shit™.

How Interestream!

By Gabe – February 5, 2014

AC IV is happening today at 2:00 pm Pacific. Come hang out and chat with us. We're happy to answer questions about PA and games while we're playing. I've had a few people ask what game we will stream next after AC. The new Strider hits the PS4 in a couple weeks and I'm pretty excited for that. The new Thief will also drop around the end of February. My guess is you'll see us streaming both of those. I'm gonna see if I can score early copies of either of them as I think a stream before a game launches could be cool.


By Tycho – February 5, 2014

Robert Khoo is not a person who sends rousing links via email. It's not part of his persona. But he did send us this one; given my unique malady, it more or less demanded a strip. It's a real thing you can seek out on your own time, after class. My position on anything like that - up to and including prayer, meditation, what have you - is that living in an intentional way is more likely to result in your goals being achieved. That said, I'm not sure that crystalline formations affect the upward face of a thrown die.


Pin Ultimate!

By Tycho – February 3, 2014

It sounds like hundreds of you were able to complete the Killer Instinct Pin challenge last month and earn yourselves the Combo Breaker pin.


By Tycho – February 3, 2014

If you have ever savored our podcast, either via the Security Level ULTRAVIOLET official link that backers enjoy or directly via the front door, our creative process resolves to a point eventually but is a distribution for most of it that could become any number of things. "Creative process" may be too ennobling a phrase. It's certainly the process by which something is created, I guess. Webster would give us the thumbs up. Generally speaking it feels like pissing into a sieve, and retaining the stones.

Friends In High Places

By Tycho – January 31, 2014

We've been streaming from the office semi-regularly, as in, like, most weekdays for some reason. I genuinely don't know how it came to be this way, other than going out in the lobby and pushing the Share button I guess. I understand how the fait gets "accompli'd" in a purely physical sense, but how it became a habit I don't have super dialed in. I'm not even the one streaming! I'm just there while he streams. I answer questions and sing the occasional shanty. I only need the barest hint of an opportunity to sing a shanty, but since we're playing Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, I feel like I can get away with it free and clear.

Sight Beyond Sight

By Tycho – January 29, 2014

We talked about Google Glass back when those were a thing, specifically about how the technology challenge is one aspect but the social shit is another thing altogether that you might not really be able to solve for completely. Independent of any technical sorcelomancy or geekward fetishism, a machine that reads your hot blood is weird even when it is cool.