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My top 10 strips of 2012

By Gabe – December 31, 2012

It is December 31st and that means it’s time for a top ten list! I took a stroll back through 2012 and came up with my 10 favorite Penny Arcade strips from the last year.

On Flashing

By Tycho – December 31, 2012

I avoided Spaceteam originally because people said it was like Artemis, and Artemis is already like Artemis, so I felt like I had that base covered. There is a lot of shit going on over here, a lot of shit to do, and I don't really have the luxury of doing any of them twice just for kicks.

Playing Roles

By Tycho – December 28, 2012

There have been a few takes on roleplaying in Star Wars setting, a few official ones anyway; you could always use any old system if you felt like handling the deviations wrought by its approach to stellar conflics, and I know people who do that. Knights of the Old Republic was essentially a re-skin of D&D, after all. I had the old West End version, of course, with its attendant brick of six siders. I've owned and played fully two different approaches from Wizards of the Coast, including the Saga edition, which some people considered a precursor to the much beloved/universally reviled Fourth Edition of Dungeons and Dragons.

Dat Shroud

By Tycho – December 26, 2012

The "metacritic" for Crimson Shroud is all over the place, which is about what you'd expect for such an idiosyncratic piece. It's like a game made on a dare, almost - in Japan, it was part of a compilation cartridge called Guild01, a "who's who" multi-designer release, like some kind of game-punk split LP. It's obtuse, to be sure, but I have to be happy that something like this exists at all.


A Comic

By Tycho – December 24, 2012

It's rare, but not completely unheard of, for us to check in on some political thing. It's something we're reticent to do; it's easy to do wrong, and usually is, and so we avoid it the same way you might avoid any other treacherous pit.

A Comic

By Gabe – December 21, 2012

We made Monday’s comic this morning and then decided that we should probably just put it up now.

The Vault Of Winter, Part Seven

By Tycho – December 21, 2012

The Vault Of Winter, Part Seven is now available - I pray it finds you well. We originally considered doing a story because we were working on something else, and that seemed like the best idea; I suggested AcqInc for a storyline next year and then it was all I could think of. It has been our great pleasure giving you something else to think about for the brief periods we were able to.


Holiday Shipping!

By Gabe – December 18, 2012

It is now the 18th, the last day for domestic Priority Mail, also known as the final sane shipping option.


Dickerdoodles 2012

By Gabe – December 14, 2012

Rejoice perverts, it’s Dickerdoodle season again!

We Made A Mechwarrior Online Guide

By Tycho – December 12, 2012

Although Guide should probably be in quotation marks. The game has a dogged, uncompromising insistence on simulating a BattleMech as opposed to making twitch shooter times, which is fairly noble in the current business climate. They could have sought a larger audience by making it less, well, MechWarrior, and they chose not to. They chose instead to find their audience, and damn the torpedoes. I had a lot of fun "researching" while we put the project together; it's not inconceivable that you may like it also.