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Holiday Shipping

By Gabe – December 11, 2012

Today is December 11th and that means we've hit a few shipping deadlines today. If you want to get something from the Penny Arcade store and you want it delivered before Christmas you should be sure and consult this list:

The Vault Of Winter, Part Two

By Tycho – December 10, 2012

I like Acquisitions Incorporated a lot. On some level, it was an advertisement I suppose, but I think it's one of the good ones and the kind of thing I'd be getting up to anyway. The series we're doing now isn't work for hire, or a partnership along the lines of Scott's Table Titans - this one's on the house, which is no doubt bad business, but we can't leave these characters well enough alone. Anything official this year is a part of their Underdark push anyway, and the characters in Vault of Winter basically go to the polar opposite of that.

The Vault Of Winter, Part One

By Tycho – December 7, 2012

We've always wanted to make a longer form comic with Acquisitions Incorporated, and with the holidays coming up we had an opportunity to drop it in. I think it's, like... eight comics, and it could have been longer, but I we decided that was sufficiently ridiculous. And we have a very high threshold for ridiculousness. So think about that.


Lookouts Issue #3!

By Gabe – December 5, 2012

Issue 3 of our Lookouts comic book is now available online via Comixology and in stores. I think this is probably my favorite issue so far. In it we learn Voel’s back story and get to see the boys take on the bridge troll.

New Figurines

By Gabe – December 5, 2012

We did not expect to have these done in time for the holiday season but they showed up in the warehouse yesterday. So now our newest figurine is on the store and ready for your buying. It is actually a set of two that come in one box. They are based on the 16-bit Tycho and Gabe sprites from RSPD. We thought they would look cool as 3D figures and I think they came out great.

Inverse Traditionality

By Tycho – December 5, 2012

Because World of Warcraft is A DISEASE, it's no real surprise that it managed to leap off of Gabriel somehow and onto his mom, who has begun to show symptoms. Thus another of the High Houses meets its end.

The Flexon

By Tycho – December 3, 2012

Okay, so, now the Alienware he purchased is giving him the same kinds of trouble every computer always gives him eventually. This is after sending two machines in a row back to iBuyPower and then buying the new machine in a blind rage, imagining that he could outrun his own devastating electromagnetic field by switching vendors.


Merch Update

By Gabe – November 30, 2012

We have almost reached December so we should probably talk about shipping deadlines. If you want to get stuff from the PA store as gifts and you want them to show up before Christmas, here’s what you need to know. Holiday Shipping Deadlines: For delivery before Christmas, make sure you place your order by midnight on these shipping deadlines:


By Tycho – November 30, 2012

We used to have a private Minecraft server, but maintaining one of those and hosting a curated selection of that community's prodigious mod output can take as much time as you let it, and I think that ultimately we decided that it was a "time eating machine what eated up our time." So Gabriel the Younger started connecting to public servers, which marks the crossing of so many thresholds at once that it's the sort of moment you collect for posterity.

World of Warcraft

By Gabe – November 28, 2012

Kara and I always get the itch to play WOW around Christmas time. There is something about setting the laptops up in the living room, and playing WOW by the light of the Christmas tree that just feels really good. It's like one of our Holiday traditions.

New Lang Syne

By Tycho – November 28, 2012

When winter rolls around, Kara gets an itch to play World of Warcraft that invariably ends up dragging others in. We popped in for a little bit yesterday to make sure all the accounts had gotten hooked back up, and... the experience was absolutely bewildering.


Holiday Merch

By Gabe – November 26, 2012

If you are hungry for holiday deals but you don't want to die at a Walmart, might I suggest the Penny Arcade store? We have kicked things up a notch this year and I'm sure you'll find something for yourself or that special nerd in your life.

From Hell To Breakfast

By Tycho – November 26, 2012

Nintendo's online offerings prior to the Wii U have been... online offerings, I guess you might say. Literal interpretations. We can tell now that they were not full attempts, and it's clear, because when they actually try to do it it looks like this.

Child's Play Dinner Tickets Runnin' Low

By Tycho – November 21, 2012

We've got about fifty tickets left for the December 6 event, which has been consistently enjoyable. If you are considering attending, it's something you might wanna lock down soon.