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There was a spike of normal functionality mid-week, like one might expect from a modern city, but just as soon as we'd tasted civilization it was gone again. Brenna went shopping for the End Times, like she was stocking for a radical shift in governance from something like we have now - with established channels of authority from Federal, State, and County - to a marked declension of it centered primarily around tattooed despots with shotguns on quad bikes. It has served us well.


I was watching Ninja stream Apex Legends this morning, and the title of the stream implied that while it had previously been a sponsored stream, he was now playing it because it's fun. I mean, I think so too. We just made another comic about it. It's had twice Fortnite's viewers on Twitch since it came out, but of course that's two-fold; the dynamics are such that you can pay a person to play your game, but you're also paying them not to play the other game for a 2x perceptual swing bonus. I'll be very curious to see where this is at in a week's time. But, again: it's always worth remembering that royalty is a temporary condition. I have a theory that suggests these cycles of Fame to Famine are getting shorter, with more explosive crests and more subterranean falls, but that's mostly because it seemed weird to me how quickly they seem to reboot Spider-Man.


It finally happened: after well over a year of playing Battle Royale style games, Kiko and I were finally able to win one. We even had an audience . Of course, like all victories, this one is a catastrophe for someone - ironically, it's me. We spent a profundity of corporate resources manufacturing a brand build entirely around failure. We even have merchandise that celebrates that failure. We could win forever, as long as we lost. And now that's gone.


Modern History

The only thing I actually know about Kingdom Hearts is… Well, I guess its density has drawn me in a few times, in a few different ways. I can't claim worthiness to enter the temple but I can enjoy the occasional minaret.

Being An Account Of The Conflict

I feel like Gabriel reaaally had fun drawing this strip. I dunno! It's just the vibe I'm getting. Of course, while he was drawing it on the stream, he said that he feels compelled to draw extra hard when he finds the script lacking. But, you know, joke's on him: it's mostly his script. What do I do here? God only knows. I effervesce, you know? I refresh.


Anthem Thoughts

I experienced all sorts of technical difficulties with the Anthem demo this weekend. Just logging on and getting into the game was a crap shoot. When I was actually able to start the game I ended up getting the infinite loading bug whenever I tried to jump into the first mission. I kept trying though and eventually I was able to get in and play a few times. I think it is a testament to the quality of the actual gameplay that I kept coming back to it. It felt like there were a lot of things trying to keep me from playing Anthem this weekend. Technical troubles first and foremost but then there is this interminable quest hub they dump you into. No running allowed here, and they put you as far away from your rad robot suit as possible. Next there is a menu system whose designer should honestly be tried in the Hague. Should you manage to navigate all this horse shit Anthem is really fun.

Farm League

Some of the best memories I have are of a game called Demolition Company I used to play with my son. About a demo's worth of content was all that was ever required back then for him, and for some reason the version of the demo I found was in German so there was an extra "puzzle" layer on top of it just to use the menus. Being in German, which is not English, we were granted useful linguistic tools. If we had to wait in line somewhere, something young people have historically been against, I could shrug my shoulders and say, "Spiele wird gelaten, son. Bitte warten."

Crop Rotation

By Tycho – January 23, 2019

So, the first session of Brightgrave went so well that the players were hankering for a second session before the weekend was over - seems like a good sign. I don't even play in the campaign and I still parse it well. As I have previously suggested, you and I can only benefit from this: the site functions as a clearing house for the things we make, so it's only a matter of time before this novel, field-tested work is distilled into a strong, clear liquor here.

Brightgrave 1

Jerry is a pro when it comes to streaming his D&D games, and I can do it when summoned, but I much prefer to run my games at home and without an audience. That being said, I just started a new campaign and I’d like to share it with you all because making things and showing you is what I do. So in lue of a streamed game I’ll be doing updates here on the site. I will include art and photos of props when applicable. I’ll post maps and rules that we make up as we go. Basically I’ll do my best to make sure those of you who want to, can follow along at home as we build this world of Brightgrave. Be sure and check out my first post about the game where I give you all the details on the setting. So here’s the breakdown of our very first game. Let me know what you think of this format and anything else you’d like to see here.


'Tis Better

Of course, the latest version of the story dutifully presented to is that - let me see if I have this correctly - all games exist in a kind of superposition in a silvery twilight realm, at once real and not real, so the open world game they used to distract us from the previous, higher profile cancellation served its purpose…? We posit a quantum conundrum in today's . incomparable strip.


I push The Three-Body Problem on every-fuckin'-body. People usually say it dips in the middle and finishes strong, but I can't really agree with that - I think the story in general becomes something we're not supposed to fully understand. To explain why would be telling. But the first volume is legitimately substantial and I went after it like a porterhouse.

My new D&D Campaign

It’s been about eight years since I ran a home campaign but I’ve decided to start another one. My players are going to be my wife Kara along with my friends Amy the Falcone and Levin Sadsad. I asked them if they wanted to play straight up D&D or if I could futz with it a little bit. They all agreed that they were up for some futzing and so I went to work building out a little custom campaign setting. So we will be playing D&D 5e but it will be set in the world of Brightgrave. Here’s what the players know so far.